Are Smart Shelters in your Future?

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Maybe littered with one would be a good idea. Problem with these type of small emergency shelters in the past in the Presidentials is that people started using them as planned overnight destinations. I've not followed the Dungeon tales lately, is it still open in winter? The conditions inside the LOC basement is such that no one would want to plan an overnight there.

Having one in a ravine may have people not think of them as a destination. (You could place pieces down there and say they blew there in an extraordinary event :D)
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Last June, it was still full of ice and snow. I doubt it's much better in February. That entire hut smells of mold and mildew. Someone posted a pic on Facebook of LOC hut where a snow drift covered the entire side of the hut on the Dungeon side.
It's a bit more than mold and mildew as if you are stuck in there during horrific weather, you aren't visiting any alpine latrine either......
I'm not worried about these "smart shelters". "Won an architecture award" is another way of saying "totally impractical and will never be built." Notice the snow scene: no drifts along the cabin, and it's sitting comfortably above all the snow. Obviously access during summer is via ladder... don't get me started on the power requirements...