August 29 (Sat) -- NH48 Finish on Moosilauke

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Looks like it might be a VERY windy day with rain up there on Sat. So everyone please keep an eye on the weather and do what you feel is best for you (and your family, if you were planning bringing kids).

If it's as windy as the forecast predicts right now, Hugh and Sage may stay back and just meet us at the trailhead when we return.

Alex and I are going forward, we will only cancel in the event of lightning. Of course, if we get up there and have to turn back for safety reasons, we will. However, since the Gorge Brook trail is sheltered with relatively little exposure before we get to the summit, I'm optimistic with our chances. I'll have full winter clothing with us to protect from wind and rain.

I'll post again tomorrow as the weather forecast becomes a little more reliable.
Well, now the forecast is calling for drizzle all day long with low winds below and medium winds up top.

That we can do.

Again, we will not cancel unless lightning appears in the forecast.

It's the White Mountains, we cherish all weather patterns.

That being said, if the weather looks too nasty for Sage, she and Hugh may stay behind and wait at the trailhead for our return (which is the official finish, anyway).

We are now hiking on SUNDAY (30th).

Upper summit forecast calls for rain, wind and lightning on Sat. Rain and wind we can do, lightning we can NOT.

I hope those who were planning on coming can still do so.
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Hi folks,

Tomorrow's Upper Summit forecast calls for chilly temps and potentially high winds. It will be a cloudy day, but at least there probably won't be any rain.

The following isn't directed at anyone in particular -- it's a general statement because I know at least four families with young children who were thinking of hiking with us --

Those who were planning on coming and bringing their children -- please bring all necessary layers (including wool hats, layers for hands, etc.) and if the winds are indeed high, please be okay with stopping at treeline if necessary. Alex and I will go forward with facemask, balaclava, goggles, and all winter layers. I may tether the two of us together. Who knows, we might even need to crawl a good part of the way once we're in the wind. We find this kind of fun, but I doubt the novice kid hiker would enjoy the experience. Also, I don't want any accidents happening tomorrow, or anyone getting hypothermia. So once we get to treeline, we'll each have to make our own assessments and do what's best for our own kids. Also, please know that if it's really windy, my youngest will stay below treeline with her father, so you'll have company if you need to wait.

Please everyone, lets make sure any and all kids stay safe, warm and happy.

If it's too windy to linger at the summit, then we will tag it, and go back down Gorge Brook and wait for other hikers just below treeline.

Our ETA is still 1pm. Realistically, we could get there anywhere between noon and 1:30. If we're not at the summit and it's terribly windy, please come down Gorge Brook, we'll try to wait immediately below treeline (wherever we're out of the wind).

We'll stay on the summit or out of the wind on Gorge Brook until 2pm, then we'll head back down.

We'll wait at the Lodge until 5, then head over to MadRiver's, where we'll stay until 8pm.

Looking forward to this!

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