Bearly Live Activities _hikes, boats, bikes and etc

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arm said:
logistical info on Elephant ... enter the woods from the west side, walking up a pleasant logging road, loving life ... then battle your way through thick spruce while climbing steep ledgy forest until you reach the top ... walk down the east side, wondering why you followed someone's advice on the internet about hiking Elephant ...

or just go up the east side, if you're not feeling adventurous ...


And if your feeling extra ambitious, climb the wrong peak first, then wack over through one of the worst blowdown patches in the universe to the correct NEHH peak. Good times!
Neil said:
I'm thinking of hiking Old Speck on Saturday.

Neil, I think Gail and possibly Mimi would be interested in going with you. i've been up old Speck 2x and will be rehearsing a bit that day, maybe swimming as well, lol.

peakbagger said:
Twist my arm and be willing to do some long car spots and I would be gladly guide a one day trip through Mahoosuc notch and a bushwhack out via Bull Branch road, included in the deal would be a dip in the headwaters of the Sunday river at the end of the day. Logistically its a PITA, but hiking wise its not a lot of an ascent and a long gradual descent. This requires a minimum of two cars.

Alternatively, its probably perfect timing for a hike up Andover White Cap for the views and to fill up on blueberries. Probably the best spot for blueberries in the area and the views cant be beat for the minimal effort. Also a good chance to check out the access to a major backcountry skiing spot. This is a short day up and down but I would like to spend a couple of hours on top filling up my pack with berries.

Both of these sound interesting as well! Any specific days in mind?

I also have a bit of NEHH to do in Maine or NH, will have to look at my lists later on today and publish them here, lol.
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yogi said:
And if your feeling extra ambitious, climb the wrong peak first, then wack over through one of the worst blowdown patches in the universe to the correct NEHH peak. Good times!
Well, duh! Of course we did that! Never know when they'll change peak again! :rolleyes:

MichaelJ: Carter's rents Kayak's (right at the outlet), and the Campground does also.
Elephant's on the my list...hoping to finish the 100 highest by September, if I'm lucky enough to find some hiking friends that will take me into Baxter to finish on COE. :rolleyes:
leaf said:
I need it for my Maine July keg list, so you know what that means....

I was thinking of Elephant or baldy's, already have Speck... but as Leaf says, it's still on my July keg grid list.................decisions!!!
Nif said:
I was thinking baldy's as well. It's on my list of things I want to hike. The only list I'm completing..... :p

Hey Jen, we could carry our own "keg" up....I guess. We would miss Mat's hiking crew, but-It would be nice to hike a different peak or two..

Maybe Mats will give us the directions on how to's. It would be nice to have a refreshment or two. It would be really cool to find another mats to carry the Keg..wonder if he has a stunt double available??????
Ya know I climbed next to a tall blonde guy that I'm guessing was Norwegian but could have been a Swede last night at Rumney, I wonder if we could get him.... :D

Just kidding....we could do something different perhaps. How warm is it supposed to be. I have some plastic cups we use, a bottle of drink mix or the powdered stuff, a thing of salt and a nice bottle of tequila....perhaps McRat will instruct us on how to get the ice up there intact....

Or I could break down and go with Mats crew so the keg portage is included in the trip price....

I'm 75% sure I'll be there and if I am, I'll be doing Baldpate from Frye Brook.
I'll have a leashed dog (little guy) with me so if that's not a problem maybe we can get a group together.

Oh PS: Must stop for fresh 420 IPA on the way back :p
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Dave and I have discussed the Baldfaces--not sure how far they are from the campground tho'.

I'm slow so if not the Baldfaces then likely something in the Grafton Notch area--wouldn't even think of trying to keep up with ya'll--hiking at least. :cool:

SK, thanks for the paddling info--I hope to paddle Sunday!

Looking forward to my first Bearly Live!
Meant Baldpates from Frye Bk.....sorry.
I type in MS Word and cut/paste here so I can spell check. Missed that little "correction" :(
Without Mapquesting it, all are roughly the same distance from Oxford, (and all coincidentaly require driving past Sunday River Brewing :rolleyes: ). I would guess Baldpates via Frye Brook to be the farthest away, then Speck (or Baldpate via the AT), Andover White Cap, then Puzzle, then Goose Eye. Having not done Puzzle I cant comment, but in terms of difficulty (and time on trail), It would be Speck and Goose Eye comparible and Baldpates either direction next and White cap last

The bonus spots for each trip are

Speck - Eyebrow cliff and the view from the summit tower (used to be a viewless peak until they rebuilt the tower and cut in the Helipad). Good excuse to stop by and see Screw Auger Falls.

Goose Eye - Nice loop hike into a undisturbed cirque. Great views along the ridge, plenty of places to stop for a swim along the brook. Easy to spend a long day there.

Baldpates - Good views into the notch, the approach via Frye Brook as lots of water and Frye Brook has a lot of interesting slot canyons and water falls.

White Cap - Good views from a diferent perspective. Potentially more blue berries than someone could eat in a year. A short day for those who want to get back to Oxford and Party.

Note that the Elephant crew is on the road past Andover White Cap.

As for me if the weather is hot and muggy, probably Baldpates via Frye Brook, if sunny and breezy, White Cap. I will wait until late week to make the call.
Seeker said:
I'm slow so if not the Baldfaces then likely something in the Grafton Notch area--wouldn't even think of trying to keep up with ya'll--hiking at least.
There are also such peaks as Caribou and Speckled on the lesser-visited east side of the notch.

As a recovering gimp, I'm not going to be making any speed or distance records either...

Baldfaces would be nice as well..... I've hiked the Baldpates but heard nice stuff about the Baldfaces, too.

I'm looking to do a pretty short hike on Sat. since I'm playing and singing early Sat. night, am contemplating doing Puzzle Mt. that day if we can get an early start..... want to get back in time to set up and tune my guitars, etc, lol. :)
Baldfaces are easy to get to IF you have a GPS. Hard to find the short way if not. Probably an hour's drive, but not much more. Emerald Pool is a must for this loop! Do the loop clockwise.

Easy: Puzzle Mtn. It's that mountain on the right that you pass after leaving Rt 2 heading north on 26 and say "That looks like a nice peak to climb". Good view about 2/3 up, and it's ~6/5 RT. (My #1 choice, but I won't be hiking :( )

And if SOMEONE doesn't hit the Pie Lady on the return from Grafton Notch, I will be VERY disappointed!!!
funkyfreddy said:
heard nice stuff about the Baldfaces, too.
They are.

If you do the loop, most people prefer to do it clockwise so as to ascend the steep slabs on S. Baldface. I also recommend descending by Bicknell Ridge Tr rather than (N) Baldface Circle Tr.
