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SherpaKroto said:

And if SOMEONE doesn't hit the Pie Lady on the return from Grafton Notch, I will be VERY disappointed!!!

I hit the pie lady on our return from Grafton and we kicked ourselves for not stopping on our way too!! Yummmm :D

It was 3 of us and we couldn't find our spoons so were just grabbing chunks of pie..yum, yum..It was after 3 days of backpacking....
SherpaKroto said:
Baldfaces are easy to get to IF you have a GPS...Emerald Pool is a must for this loop! Do the loop clockwise.

Yes! The Baldfaces are glorious and the day will call for an Emerald Pool swim fo' sho.'

SherpaKroto said:
And if SOMEONE doesn't hit the Pie Lady on the return from Grafton Notch, I will be VERY disappointed!!!

What he said!! Blueberry please! :D (Or is the short way to the BFs through the notch?--gotta get me a map...or fire up my GPS.)
Are the Baldfaces further to drive to (and from) than Old Speck?

I usually like mountains that have the word bald in them.
Neil said:
Are the Baldfaces further to drive to (and from) than Old Speck?

I usually like mountains that have the word bald in them.
The Baldfaces have bald summits, Old Speck has a "recently cleared summit plateau"* and a tower and is reported to have fine views.


From Oxford:
Grafton Notch (Old Speck): 51 mi
North Chatam (Baldfaces): 41mi

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