Bushwhacker commandments.


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Neil, are you suggesting that bushwhackers are deviants?

Easily 3 standard deviations from the mean.

Thou shalt wear thine eye protection, lest thou not spy the summit . . . or anything else. :cool:
http://adkhighpeaks.com/neil/outdoor pursuits/dr_my_eye/index.html

Thou shalt not curse mightily while inching along a blowdown far above the ground. Nobody hath made you do this.
Methinks there will be more than 7.
Thou shalt not let me leadeth thy bushwhack quest, lest ye risk walking in the valley of eternal blowdowns:eek:
Thou shalt henceforth payeth more attention to the commandment in post #1. Bot' a youse.

Verily, thou shalt bring at least 2 compasses!
Does an electronic gps compass count?

The compass is my shepherd; I shall not want.
It restoreth my spruciness.
Thank you for sprucing up this thread.
Thou shall not let NewHampshire organize whack lest thou get wet. :p
Ya know, I'm not very nice. I dunno why I pick on Brian (*looks innocent*). The one time I hiked with him, we had a gorgeous day. The only time it rained on me this year was when I did Nancy with Steve. :rolleyes: Please forgive me Brian. :p

Thou shalt never wear only thy shorts and thy tee shirt unless you doth prepare The Draconian Vampire Buffet :eek:
Thou shalt ignore and give wide birth around sacred thick hobblebush glades, and proceed to summit canister. Though shalt avoid the darkness of hobblebush at seek the glory of the canister. Nothing to see in the hobblebush...;)

happy off-trails :)
I realize this thread has about run its course, so my apologies for jumping into this thread a little late.

But anyway just wanted to add yet another “commandment”:

If thou path is rugged, then go thee yonder 50 feet to thy left or to thy right, and verily thy path may be smoothed. And if thee should happen upon some evil flagging, follow ye NOT, lest thee be leadeth down a path more rugged than thou own. I say unto you my child, “whack your own whack”!

This is one of the best threads in a long time to come down the pike.

A BIG thankyou to every one who contributed- this has sure put a smile on my face!

I wish I could add something...wait, Happy Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for sites like this