Chips Messinger 3/28/1997-6/23/2009

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May 29, 2006
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Holderness, NH, Avatar: Pine Marten on Mt Field
As sweet and happy a dog as ever lived, a beloved family dog, and a great hiking companion. At an early age she learned to be never more than 20 feet from her master. She was a friend to all and lost interest in chasing wildlife very early in her hiking career. She completed the New Hampshire 4000'ers in 2006 on Mount Jackson. Notably she earned her patch a month earlier than her master because of her lack of interest in riding a bicycle. Her hiking career ended the next spring due to knee problems which had started a few years earlier. She was with loved ones when she left, and she will be greatly missed.

Chips at the Chimney

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I'm sorry to hear this. Very sorry. And I'm sorry we never had the occasion to meet up with Chips. My heart goes out to you.
Bonne Journee sweet Chips.

I know you'd rather your loved ones not dwell on the sadness of endings, but you know, it happens with Humans.

You loved and lived your life with your family and that love will always be with your family and in their hearts. You aren't lost, you know exactly when your heart and their hearts met and it was all good, all the time. You trusted them and this part of lifetime is exactly where trust meets trust.

I know, Chips, that you will reveal your new peace and joy to your Hoomin family in time and in substance, and there will be healing.

Right now I'm feeling the pain.

Very sad to hear...she looked like a sweet pup!
Sorry to hear the bad news. No matter how well you think you have prepared yourself for this moment, it is tough to take. Your memories of him will live on inside you forever. And for Chris, he is no longer in pain, and is resting peacefully.
Am very sorry for the loss of your dog. Am sure she will be greatly missed.
Well that is sad news. Nice tribute. I met this puppy once I believe. Well behaved.
So sorry, brother. I am happy to have had the opportunity to hike with my coincidental name-sake. (And we almost share a Birthday !)

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A sweet tribute to your pet on a very sad occasion for you. Please accept my condolences.

Another heartbreaking loss. I'm so sorry. They do tug at our heartstrings, don't they. Hopefully Chips will meet Tay, Sammy, and Sunny in a tail waggin group.
Oliver would join in the tail-wagging, and Griffin will try to steal their snacks.

She looks like she was one very happy dog :)
I'm so sorry to read about you're loss. We frequently hike with my son's dog Dooley. He's our fourth Lab. We have shared a similar experiance three times and it never gets any easier.