Doug Paul injured in a back-country ski accident

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I hope your recovery goes well and that you're back here soon with all your good help and kind words. That's really a terrible break for what seems such an innocent fall.
Hey Doug - hope you heal up well and soon! I'm glad you were found quickly after the accident; things could have gone much worse. I'm looking forward to reading the whole story from you. :)

Thanks for the info, Tim.

Bubba, you've got the right town and the right last name.
Expect the unexpected. Real bummer to be on the DL with more snow coming.

Well, at least there's spring to look forward to. Daylight is extending and early spring birds seem to showing up and singing in the leafless trees.

Heal well and make the most of the downtime ... planning the next adventures I imagine.

I'm sorry to hear about your accident.

I'll be praying that your recovery takes less time that forecasted, and that you're out there again soon so that you can share as much info w/ other hikers as you have w/ this one.
Hi Doug,

Sorry to hear about the accident. Hope you make a very speedy recovery ..... I'm sure you will with all the VFTT mojo being sent your way. :) Carla and I will be praying for ya ..... (and missing your posts ........ :( )


I hope you heal quickly and you're back online and posting soon. Bummer of an accident, but as Seeker said, you are one prepared backcountry skier.

Not really the kind of "Trip Report " anyone needs, but I'm glad your'e safe and on the mend. Heal soon, but heal well Doug.

Doug Paul,

Best wishes on a speedy and full recovery. I'm so glad you got help as soon as you did, partially for selfish reasons - I'd really miss your thoughtful and informed posts.

Get well soon.
Hey Doug,
I was just looking at some pics from a couple years ago out in Acadia today. Hope everything heals well, and then you can go climb the Precipice trail again! Hopefully you have some good drugs and cute nurses to help heal the pain!
(I met Doug Paul at Pat and Audrey's in the Fall of 2005). Sorry to hear about your accident!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Dude, bummer! I know how much it sucks to break your leg, and your break sounds a lot worse than mine. Hopefully you do not follow in my tracks and you only break yours once!

Glad to hear you are ok, and good luck on the recovery.

- darren

ps: good idea to break the wrist too. crutches suck! :)
Mend Them Bones


I will look forward to doing the XC Ski Pemigewasset traverse with you next year.... Get well soon friend!
After reading this thread, I ran up to the Hospital, It's just around the corner from my apartment, to visit Doug. He seems to be in pretty good spirits considering his injuries, or maybe it's just the meds. He did seem a little concerned that the lack of a computer might effect his posts per day. :D

Get well soon Doug...and get back to the trails.

Any many thanks to Andy.

Hey Hamtero, you lied... you said his glasses were 2 inches thick! They're not even close. :D :D
NH_Mtn_Hiker said:
He did seem a little concerned that the lack of a computer might effect his posts per day.

I mentioned this to him too, and his reply was "I'll be posting a lot more now... they didn't put my fingers in a cast" :D If I were a betting man, which I'm not, I would bet he'll have no problem keeping that average up.

In fact it was the lack of posts from him, particularly in the GPS thread(s), that made me concerned enough to look into this more.


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