DougPaul's 7000th Post

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New member
Mar 28, 2008
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Portland, Maine
Although I'm a relatively new active member of Views, I just thought it might be nice to show my appreciation for the insight and links provided by DougPaul by starting a thread devoted to that topic in honor of his up-coming 7,000th post.

Hear Hear!
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Only 3000 posts to go!

DougPaul, DougPaul, Sis Boom Bah!

Gimme a Dee!


What's that spell?
I joined this board for thoughtful discussion and informative discourse, and now we get DougPaul's 7000th post? And not only that, but there isn't even a DougPaul post here for me to see what his count is? Wow. It's enough to make one contribute to EIGHT PAGES on drinking.

But not quite.

DP, how many posts does it take to get to the center of a fluff thread?

Break a leg, :eek:

Okay, I went and looked it up (in a technical question about cold hands, natch), and my question is this:

DP, how will you spend your last two posts before you submit your 7000th post here?

Will you make substantive, technically astute contributions that further the cause of the haute route of our sport, er, way of life?

Or will you debase yourself (and our community!) by spilling your valuable seeds of wisdom on the acid soil of internet 'chat'?

I abjure you, DougPaul, do not give in to the impurities of a spiraling bulletin board! Save yourself for the true marriage of sound reason to sincere inquiry! Hold out for that quiet voice in the wilderness that asks what kind of klister to use for a light December snow; or what the tensile strength is for an unreinforced piece of concrete in a 19th-century bridge abutment found in a federally-protected area!

Gravitas, DougPaul, gravitas.
hahah, I'm 1 more post closer to catching you up DougPaul! :D

Make sure you use your 7000 post wisely, or else you can delete it and start again.. :)

Neil said:
Only 3000 posts to go!
Will you ring a whole bunch of bells at 4pm on the day that I reach 10,000?
--M. said:
DP, how many posts does it take to get to the center of a fluff thread?
Clearly that number is unbounded...
--M. said:
Break a leg
Already tried that--wasn't all that much fun...
--M. said:
Okay, I went and looked it up (in a technical question about cold hands, natch), and my question is this:

DP, how will you spend your last two posts before you submit your 7000th post here?

Will you make substantive, technically astute contributions that further the cause of the haute route of our sport, er, way of life?
A comment in "Mittens for really cold hands" and a comment in "Mt. Chocorua - Piper Trail Maintenance".
Jay H said:
hahah, I'm 1 more post closer to catching you up DougPaul!
Let's see... 4196 posts since Sept 2003 vs 7001 posts since Jan 2005. You will have to work a bit harder to catch up. It also helps if you break a leg...
spencer said:
How the hell are we supposed to ask about klister in December if we don't have any snow?
You probably have enough ice for blue klister... :) (Or maybe it should be :( )

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Let me see ...

Chomp is celebrating his 512th (decimal) post, which is 200 Hex ... a nice round number.

But DP is celebrating his 1B58th post ... a rather unintuitive number to celebrate.

On the other hand, he is only 4A8 posts away from the big 2000! Should not take him too long to attain this much more memorable landmark.

And, Chomp, you have a heck of a lot of catching up to do :p
Over the next several hours, I disassembled the tree with loppers and Sven (bow) saw--it was an enjoyable puzzle figuring out how to do it and in what order to make the cuts (up to ~8in diameter). Doug

I'm glad to see you maintained your usual standards, Doug. Congratulations on a worthy record!
This is a diverse community filled with all sorts of people, Doug -- you certainly are part of the fabric of VfTT, and a rich one at that.
It just wouldn't be the same here without you.

Here's to 7000 thoughtful, considerate, well researched and well intended posts. :)
Wait! Wait, Mr. VFtT, don't put on those water skis! Don't you know nobody can jump over a shark while water-skiing?! Didn't you see the Fonz?!

Don't do it, Mr. VFtT! Don't do it!



7000 ... Hmm ... I wonder what that might look like in binary ....... Who would one ( I rhetorically pose) ask?

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