Franconia Notch parking survey

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I was surprised that there really was no parking on the ADK Loj road this weekend. I suspect that they have either ticketed or towed people to get compliance.

That would be something new. They were not ticketing or towing cars on Heart Lake Rd (Adirondack Loj Rd) last year. I parked on it.
Other than working for them do you have any other information that would support your statement “Never Ever”?:eek:

I made the statement based on my own opinion, which has weight with my experience in Turnpikes. Tolls are placed where they will generate the most revenue, pretty basic concept. The folks entering the notch have already been "Tolled" on 93 or 16. In addition, believe it or not, people do not like tolls:p and it would be a public relations nightmare to put a toll in one of the most popular tourist destinations in the state. The days of your standard Toll booth are over anyway. Eventually, electronic tolling will be the norm. You'll know when that day comes because you'll see me in the notch with a cardboard sign, " Former Toll worker, anything will help, I need beer".:eek:
Too bad the electronic signs mentioned cannot be coordinated to work. IMO the underlying problem could be at least somewhat eliminated if not totally by better information dissemination. I agree a toll is probably not in the cards. Even if it were it would have to be the traditional slow up and pay infrastructure also coupled with some sort of visual "NO PARKING along Side of Road" signs. With electronic tolling becoming more and more prevalent no way is a traditional brick and mortar booth going to be built. On another note regarding electronic tolling. It can be stealthy. We are not talking EZ Pass here. I am talking about the overhead scanners. Which is basically a supported raceway over the highway that you pass under. They are a very noninvasive technology. The first one I experienced was in Colorado and I didn't even know I passed through it until I got the bill in the mail. Ironically now if I'm going to get tolled I'll take my medicine that way as it is a lot easier than slowing down. It also helps traffic flow. Before you know it Jefferson and Randolph will only be a two hour drive from Boston. Then they will be building a Home Depot to support all the folks moving in. On a brighter note Sierra will have retired at that point and will have opened a Hiker's B&B coupled with a Craft Beer Pub on the old Bowman Campsite for all us luddites to hang in.:D
On a brighter note Sierra will have retired at that point and will have opened a Hiker's B&B coupled with a Craft Beer Pub on the old Bowman Campsite for all us luddites to hang in.:D

Can we just time travel to this part now? :)
Too bad the electronic signs mentioned cannot be coordinated to work. IMO the underlying problem could be at least somewhat eliminated if not totally by better information dissemination. I agree a toll is probably not in the cards. Even if it were it would have to be the traditional slow up and pay infrastructure also coupled with some sort of visual "NO PARKING along Side of Road" signs. With electronic tolling becoming more and more prevalent no way is a traditional brick and mortar booth going to be built. On another note regarding electronic tolling. It can be stealthy. We are not talking EZ Pass here. I am talking about the overhead scanners. Which is basically a supported raceway over the highway that you pass under. They are a very noninvasive technology. The first one I experienced was in Colorado and I didn't even know I passed through it until I got the bill in the mail. Ironically now if I'm going to get tolled I'll take my medicine that way as it is a lot easier than slowing down. It also helps traffic flow. Before you know it Jefferson and Randolph will only be a two hour drive from Boston. Then they will be building a Home Depot to support all the folks moving in. On a brighter note Sierra will have retired at that point and will have opened a Hiker's B&B coupled with a Craft Beer Pub on the old Bowman Campsite for all us luddites to hang in.:D

I love that piece of land!! tell you what. When I win the World Series of Poker, I will make it happen. VFTT members, always first beer free and 50% of all lodging.
I love that piece of land!! tell you what. When I win the World Series of Poker, I will make it happen. VFTT members, always first beer free and 50% of all lodging.

Just have to say the code word "Alligator eggs" :D
This whole issue may become obsolete in 10 years when hikers start getting dropped of at a trail head by their self-driving cars that will subsequently park themselves at a remote parking lot. :)
This whole issue may become obsolete in 10 years when hikers start getting dropped of at a trail head by their self-driving cars that will subsequently park themselves at a remote parking lot. :)

I was thinking the same thing!
I did the loop today. Parked on the south bound side in the spaces near the tunnel. No signs of any warnings or cautions with respect to parking along the highway except for some flagging along the approach road to the south bound Lafayette place entrance. There were a few folks on the trail. Not many heading down from the hut. I was doing the loop clockwise and didn't hit the CCW mob until Lincoln.

I came down around 1:15 PM and the lots were full with plenty of cars parked along the north and south lanes along the parkway. No signs or warnings posted anywhere with respect to parking. Looks to me as though the plan is do occasional spot enforcement weekends to get PR and then ignore the issue most of the time.
Are the Whites and ADK's on the maps for self driving cars? I thought they would only take you to Google's partners so you could buy merchandise, food and drinks from the partner's locations.

"Open the door so I can go hiking Hal" "Wouldn't you rather have a latte and buy a futon Dave." "No Hal, I need to enjoy the great outdoors." "They have nice recirculated air cooled to 68 degrees at the mall Dave."

I'll be keeping my old non-automated car, and to steal a line from another group, You can have my keys when you pry.... well, you know the rest.
I did the loop today. Parked on the south bound side in the spaces near the tunnel. No signs of any warnings or cautions with respect to parking along the highway except for some flagging along the approach road to the south bound Lafayette place entrance. There were a few folks on the trail. Not many heading down from the hut. I was doing the loop clockwise and didn't hit the CCW mob until Lincoln.

I came down around 1:15 PM and the lots were full with plenty of cars parked along the north and south lanes along the parkway. No signs or warnings posted anywhere with respect to parking. Looks to me as though the plan is do occasional spot enforcement weekends to get PR and then ignore the issue most of the time.

That is ridiculous. It's going to be hard enough to make this happen, if they choose to spot enforce it, it will fail for sure. Not to mention the unfairness of it. So, I can park there on days they don't enforce it and others, say on a holiday weekend, get ticketed? Once again, proof how government drops the ball. They need to post signs and that very day start ticketing and everyday after that. The word will get out and we can all move on. How many brilliant minds have been working on this? This is why, I ignore some laws.
That is ridiculous. It's going to be hard enough to make this happen, if they choose to spot enforce it, it will fail for sure. Not to mention the unfairness of it. So, I can park there on days they don't enforce it and others, say on a holiday weekend, get ticketed? Once again, proof how government drops the ball. They need to post signs and that very day start ticketing and everyday after that. The word will get out and we can all move on. How many brilliant minds have been working on this? This is why, I ignore some laws.

A law is just a faceless person trying to impose their will on you. Would one put up with some faceless person telling one what religion to practice? How to vote? What car to drive? What firearm to use to defend themselvs? Heck no! We have rights and we will park where we want!

Drove through again today... 8:15 AM, only overnighters on the highway, but at 3:30 PM, plenty of folks parked just off the road. Not a sign to be found. 6/23, FYI, there is a triathlon at Cannon / Echo Lake. Probably won't affect hiker parking any, but watch out for runners and cyclists.

Also, Haystack Road is still closed. :confused:

A law is just a faceless person trying to impose their will on you. Would one put up with some faceless person telling one what religion to practice? How to vote? What car to drive? What firearm to use to defend themselvs? Heck no! We have rights and we will park where we want!


Not in my backyard. I guess the saying goes.....ignorance is bliss.
Drove through again today... 8:15 AM, only overnighters on the highway, but at 3:30 PM, plenty of folks parked just off the road. Not a sign to be found. 6/23, FYI, there is a triathlon at Cannon / Echo Lake. Probably won't affect hiker parking any, but watch out for runners and cyclists.

Also, Haystack Road is still closed. :confused:


It looked like a normal SAT this past weekend. Went through there approx 11AM and cars were all over the highway for quite a distance. Only that miniscule section of fluorescent green taped area just before turning into Lafayette South bound was car free.
On a similar note, what time do I have to get to Lincoln Woods to get a spot in that lot?
On a similar note, what time do I have to get to Lincoln Woods to get a spot in that lot?

I have had very good luck driving up Friday night and camping at East Side CG or on the ridge above the end of the Black Pond trail. Seriously, a late Friday night arrival makes for two bag nights and really extends the weekend.
I have had very good luck driving up Friday night and camping at East Side CG or on the ridge above the end of the Black Pond trail. Seriously, a late Friday night arrival makes for two bag nights and really extends the weekend.

Friday night starts are the best. 2 sleeps and plenty of available parking!

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