I hope someone will tell me to shut up if I'm not adding anything useful to this discussion...
<begin rant>
Neil said:
Brownie, with the 60CS can you select only certain waypoints from your gps for download to your PC? Or only certain select tracklogs and routes?
Brownie said:
Last night I checked both NG Topo and Garmin 100K PC software for ability to download itemized waypoints or routes. Not possible with either program, both required entire data from GPS units to be downloaded.
Both software packages have similar dialog box to select Waypoints, Routes, Tracks or all of above.
However, its quite easy to delete unwanted waypoints, routes, ect., in PC software.
By the way that's one of my beefs with all of these GPS's.
The state of their waypoint organization and transfer operations is extremely primitive. It's as though you had a floppy disk copying files to/from a PC, and all the files in the floppy disk had to be in the root directory (no subdirectories), and every time you wanted to copy a file from floppies to PC, you had to download/upload the entire contents of the floppy disk. Having to delete redundant stuff leads either to a serious information glut (having 7 copies of the waypoint in different files on the PC) or risk of information loss (oops, I deleted one waypoint too many).
I would like to be able to download/upload only the waypoints/tracks/etc. that have been created/modified since a given date/time (by default the last time I uploaded). I would like to be able to put waypoints into "layers" (e.g. the trails layer or the plants layer or the property boundary layer) which I could turn on and off. I would like to do this both on the GPS (when capturing waypoints, and when choosing which layers to display) and on the PC (when editing/renaming or creating waypoints, and when choosing which layers to display). I'd like to rename waypoints on my PC and re-synchronize them back to my GPS, without having to worry that I've deleted data and without having duplicate waypoints on my GPS.
Right now, keeping my waypoints organized & in sync between PC and GPS is a real pain. (edit: for some perspective, I probably have around 1000 waypoints, maybe 2/3 of them split between two local properties I study, and 1/3 of them for rare plant monitoring in the White Mountains.)
DougPaul said:
Biologists, geologists, geographers, etc use GPSes to mark plants, features, and locations of interest.
Most of my GPS work, aside from personal interest, is volunteering for a couple of land trusts & conservation groups. Our local land trust has all of those interests for gathering data. Unfortunately it can't afford large #'s of licenses for ArcView (we're just in the process of getting one license), and the budget for GPS is definitely consumer-grade, not at the level of buying a Trimble.
The people out there who work for companies making "consumer-grade" GPS receivers and GPS PC software are going to tell me, "Oh, you need professional-grade receivers, what do you expect for $300" and "Oh, you need a professional GIS software like ArcView, what do you expect for $100?" I'm just disappointed.
<end rant>