Another vote for TCT via Death Canyon and Static. I had no trouble getting permits but it was 10 years ago. Even then, compared to the Whites, the place was deserted in late August. You soon leave the few dayhikers behind. There were no other hikers at our campsites either, and we saw few on the trail beyond the popular dayhiker spots. It was the first time I saw metal bear boxes at campsites, and we did see a few black bears, just like home. Unlike home, however, we came upon a herd of moose, bulls, cows, and calves, browsing on willow at about 7-8000'. Moose don't congregate like that here in late August, if ever. With an approaching t-storm, we had no choice but to make our way--very cautiously and only after scoping out the situation for about 20 minutes--through the herd, which was on both sides of the trail in a narrow defile. We kept a very wary eye on cow & calf pairs, but they ignored us entirely. I never have figured out what was up with the moose there.