Hiking in Kananaskis Alberta


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Jun 28, 2005
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Hi there,

I live in central Alberta, so Kananaskis is definately the closest location for some high quality hiking. What I'm wondering is if anyone has some advice on excellent day hikes that they have done in Kananaskis. I don't get a chance to get out there very often - stupid work - so when I do, I want to get the most out of it. We have done the Mt. Allen/Centennial ridge, Baldy Pass, and Ribbon Creek/Lake. Thinking about Lillian lake / Galatea this time around. If you have any other recommendations I would love to hear about it. Thanks.


Mostly New York and New England experience on this board although some of us have been to some exotic locations.

Guess no one has been to Kananaskis. If it is in Alberta I'm sure it is beautiful.
depends what you consider a day hike

Mt Joffre is the highest; work your way down the list on the left-hand side (they're in order by altitude) if it looks too challenging.
Thanks all

Thanks for the links everyone. I enjoy reading about all of your adventures. Thanks for a great site.
I have done a few dayhikes in the area in September of 2003.
First, check with the visitor center at the entrance of Peter Lougheed Prov. Park. It is located a few miles south of Kananaskis Village off route 40.
The rangers there are avid hikers and will recommand great hikes for your skill level. They also sell a great topo map for the Kananaskis Lakes area. It's waterproof and has hiking and biking trails along with mileage.
I would recommand Mt Tyrwhitt or Mt Rae which are located at opposite sides of route 40. Both trailhead are at the Highwood Meadows parking. You'll have great views of the Lakes from both summits. Be ready to hike thru a lot of scree. if you are looking for something more strenuous ... Mt Indefatigable is the ticket for you.
Have fun!