I don't see it as an "either/or" situation - they both have their place, depending upon the depth/quality of the snowpack/ice and the grade. At a certain point, microspikes no longer provide a margin of safety, so it's time to wear something with a longer/sharper tine. This might be the Hillsound Pro, or it might be something like a G10 or BDs Contact Strap. As the grade increases, even these would be insufficient, and you'd switch from an alpine/general mountaineering crampon to a technical crampon, along with the attendant ice screws, ropes, harnesses and other pro.
If the question is - can I get away with microspikes and Hillsounds Pros in the Whites and ADK's for hiking, the answer in most cases would be yes. I have G10s (and 12s) for many years, and sometimes will carry them rather than the Hillsound Pros, especially on certain ice-covered steep trails. Recent reports on Falling Waters and Ammo are of lots of ice in the steep parts, so a G10 would give me more piece of mind. We all have different levels of risk tolerance, so it's difficult to make hard and fast rules about what is appropriate for everyone.