Hut Traverse

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Sep 5, 2003
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Early yesterday morning (8/30/14) I headed up 19 Mile Brook Trail with the intent of completing my 5th Hut Traverse in as many attempts. It had been 9 years since my last Traverse in 2005, when I went West to East in 20:10, and 19 years (!) since my first. The previous 3 were in the East-to-West direction (1995 in ~25 hours, 1999 in 18:15, and 2000 in ~21 hours). I have not been doing much ultra-length hiking or running for the past couple of years, but after completing the Mahoosuc Traverse and 30 Wonalancet miles within the past 3 weeks - and feeling like I had something left in the tank at the end of each - decided to give the Hut Traverse another shot.

Interestingly, August 30-31 was also the 81st anniversary of another Hut Traverse. On August 30-31, 1933, Ralph Batchelder and Evarts Loomis, AMC hutmen both, walked from Carter Notch to Lonesome Lake in just under 24 hours. While they skipped Wildcat Ridge, they did include Pinkham Notch Camp in their route. (See Forest and Crag, pp. 518-19.) Impressive considering depression era footwear and other outdoor gear!

My preferred Hut Traverse route is as follows: [Carter Notch Hut] 19 Mile Brook, Route 16, Great Gulf, Madison Gulf, Parapet, Star Lake, [Madison] Gulfside, Westside, Crawford, [Lakes of the Clouds] Webster Cliff, [Mizpah] Mizpah Cutoff, Crawford, Avalon, A-Z, Zealand, [Zealand] Twinway, [Galehead] Garfield Ridge, Greenleaf, [Greenleaf] Old Bridle Path, Lonesome Lake [Lonesome Lake]. I skip all summits except those which the trails happen to directly cross over: Pierce, South Twin, and Lafayette. Using this configuration of trails, it is about 24.2 miles and 5,600 feet of vertical (add another 3.8 miles and 1900 for the initial climb to Carter Notch Hut) to Crawford Notch, 24.8 miles and 9,200 vertical to Lonesome Lake, for a grand total of 49 miles and 14,800 (54.4 miles and 16,700 feet of vertical including 19 Mile Brook approach and Lonesome Lake descent).

Friday afternoon we spotted Car #2 at Lafayette Place (the finish) before proceeding up to Gorham and dinner at the Chinese buffet. I do not recommend this. At the very least order off the menu! However, my fortune cookie - more advice than fortune - seemed rather prophetic: “It is not the end yet. Let’s stay with it!” I decided that THAT would be my mantra for the day, no matter how sucky things got. Being 4 for 4 as far as attempts/completions, the pressure was on!

We snagged one of 4 remaining campsites at Dolly Copp for a few hours of shut eye. Its being Labor Day Weekend, the Whites were a busy place.

At 3:40 am I tagged Carter Notch Hut and was off. The early miles in the dark always seem to pass quickly, and soon I was back at the Route 16 trailhead drinking fresh hot coffee prepared by my husband Chris, who would crew me here and at Crawford Notch and also get in his own hike of Webster and Jackson in the interim. I ran the short stretch down to Great Gulf Trailhead, polished off the rest of the coffee, and headed up Great Gulf Trail. The lower part of this trail is easy and I should have been running but settled on a purposeful walk instead. Hey, it was gonna be a long day. Madison Gulf Trail had the usual tricky route finding at stream crossings - much thanks to the cairn builders - and the expected steepness, but by 7:42 I was filling my water bladder at Mad Hut as the guests dispersed after breakfast. The morning was a beauty, with both settled valley fog and the higher peaks obscured on and off by cloud. I made my way easily via Gulfside around Adams, Jefferson and Clay, then Westside around Washington and Crawford Path to Lakes of the Clouds by 10:23. Up to this point I had seen maybe a dozen hikers on the trail all morning. That was about to change! By Pierce I’d stopped counting at 100, and they just kept coming, quite a departure from the lightly traveled redlining trails I’ve been mostly doing this summer.

I reached Mizpah at 12:07 and Crawford Notch at exactly 1 pm. What a zoo! Cars and people and noise everywhere, barking dogs, screaming kids, the train blowing its whistle… Chris had snagged a parking spot at the depot and made a pot of ramen and more fresh coffee, so we had a front seat for all the entertainment. I tried to make quick work of this “aid station” but ended up staying almost half an hour. If one were going to stop, this is the logical Quitter Point, and I briefly fantasized about returning home and spending the evening sipping wine on the porch instead of slogging across the Twinway and the evil that is Garfield Ridge Trail in the dark, but there was that nagging mantra, “It is not the end yet. Let‘s stay with it!” Well, okay… LET’s!

The steady stream of humanity continued as far as Mt. Tom Spur, but I encountered just one hiker between Mt. Tom and Zealand Trail. Of note, the western end of A-Z Trail is in great shape and has some really nice new bog bridges. After Zealand Falls Hut at 3:31, the climb up Zeacliff has never been one of my favorites but is just a prelude to what lies ahead. The views from Guyot and South Twin were lovely and the Twinway rather easy, but it still took 3 hours to reach Galehead. Unfortunately I needed to refill my water bladder so had to walk through the front door past a very full dining room midsupper. The croo was very pleasant and accommodating when I asked for some hot water for coffee.

For me, this is where the Hut Traverse gets hard. In 1995 I hit the wall around Garfield Pond and remember curling up under a boulder in an attempt to get some sleep. A few hours later I suffered a meltdown while descending Old Bridle Path, sobbing to my friend Al Sochard “WHY is this trail TAKING so lonnnngggg…???!!!” (One of those things you know you will be laughing about the next day.) I was determined to not hit the wall or have a meltdown! Galehead to Greenleaf took over 4 hours (6:30 to 10:47 pm). The headlamp came out around Franconia Brook Trail (Oh yay, I get to climb the waterfall section in the dark!). Along the Twinway and Garfield Ridge Trail I saw many presumably thru-hikers bootleg camping along the trail. One couple even had a campfire going. Not sure if that was legal but it sure looked inviting. Being solo and in the dark, I was extremely careful on all the scrambly sections. There were a lot of scrambly sections.

At treeline on Lafayette‘s north side things got more interesting. There was a steady breeze blowing but it wasn’t knocking me around and wasn’t too cold, 50 maybe? I wore a hat and gloves but no shell, just long sleeves, and was fine. However, a bit disconcerting was the fact that visibility was barely cairn to cairn. In my depleted state, I knew I had to be very careful about staying on the trail, so this entire 2-mile above treeline section was pretty slow. Old Bridle Path was just freaking endless, but a meltdown was assuaged by the knowledge that it was just 1.6 miles and 1000 feet of climb once I hit the parking lot. I made myself walk right past my car because I knew I’d be tempted to get inside and drive away!

At long last, at exactly 1 am, I reached Lonesome Lake Hut. I was toast... to say, very little left in the tank. I decided to lie on the floor and put my feet up for a few minutes. Unbeknownst to me there was a thru-hiker sleeping in the communal area. Having been awakened by my light, she flicked on hers asking if I was okay, then wanted to know what I had done. I apologized for waking her and told her I just completed a hut traverse. She replied “Wow, you’re funny!” :D

The final hut-to-hut time was 21 hours 20 minutes. It wasn’t my fastest but at age 48 with a 19-year Hut Traverse spread and 5 for 5, I’ll take it!!
Great write up, I love reading about H2H Traverses. Going up that waterfall section below Mount Garfield in the dark sounds like an adventure! The Garfield Ridge Trail has been my kryptonite since I was nine years old :p

Congrats on another Hut to Hut Traverse!

Thanks for the great write-up, and congrats on a fulfilling 5th! Not having done this earlier in life (my 1st presi traverse was @54, which got me hooked on mega-loops and traverses), it's a pleasure to enjoy each and every vicarious warm-up for it that I can!

One question: why did you opt to do the extra 4 miles up front rather than sack out @Carter Notch?

thats amazing...about halfway thru that they'd probably be taking me out in a gurney
sweetness. i consider this the top dog of BIG day hikes in new england. hoping next summer for my 1st attempt... btw, age 48 and 21:20, amazing!!
Thank you for the kind words. :)

One question: why did you opt to do the extra 4 miles up front rather than sack out @Carter Notch?

In the past I have stayed at Carter Notch Hut (or camped nearby) the night before. This time I didn't want to schlep the extra gear up there for what would likely prove to be a restless few hours of "sleep." In the context of the undertaking, what's another 3.8 miles and 1900 ft of climb? :rolleyes:
In the context of the undertaking, what's another 3.8 miles and 1900 ft of climb? :rolleyes:

For most of us mere mortals, probably the difference between life and death. Always look forward to seeing your trip reports and wondering what the heck is she up to now. You never let me down. Now a days I don't even worry about dreaming about stuff like this. Quite the feat!!! Congrats
I didn't want to schlep the extra gear up there for what would likely prove to be a restless few hours of "sleep." In the context of the undertaking, what's another 3.8 miles and 1900 ft of climb? :rolleyes:

Answer:. Another 3.8 miles and 1900 ft of climb!

I think that for a maiden undertaking of something on this scale, I'm leaning toward a start with as full a tank as I can muster - but for me as with you, it's a tradeoff for sure - those quotes around 'sleep' most definitely apply!

These mega hike TR's keep my fire stoked to keep going bigger as I get older. Thanks for sharing, and for the stoke and hope that I might be able to do a 21 hour hut traverse when I'm 10 years older.
Excellent report! Well done! Age is just a number, but being active and experiencing life (not just existing) is the key, and you are a wonderful example! BTW, did you see any of our old cog grease footprints in the carpet at the restaurant in Gorham? :)
Nicely done! Great report. I think next time I'll have to try it East to West. But Garfield Ridge near the end....��
What do you guys think of the various pluses and/or pitfalls of W-E vs E-W?

It's actually a pretty balanced proposition, elevation gain-wise. I think the chief consideration behind E-W being the most common direction is that Madison Gulf, the most direct route option between Madison Hut and 19MB, is a hazardous descent, even in the best of conditions. If you forego that route, your best options are to head over Madison on Osgood or get to Osgood by enduring the 'hospitality' of Parapet in its full entirety.

I prefer east to west because when I touch the last hut of the day the mileage back to the car is a big difference (1.6 to 3.8). Plus, it's easier to turn my brain off on the ramp that is the Lonesome Lake Trail!

Thanks for the input. The shorter hike out is definitely appealing. Swore I would never repeat this hike, but find myself planning the next. Want to add Pinkham and the Presi summits this time.
What do you guys think of the various pluses and/or pitfalls of W-E vs E-W?

Agree with Chris D. Finishing with 3.2 miles (Lonesome up and back) is a lot easier to deal with mentally than finishing with 7.8 miles (Carter up and back). I have done both and unequivocally recommend the former. This is actually much more of an issue, for me, than descending Madison Gulf.

Good luck on your hut traverse, including Pinkham and the Presi summits!!
TJ's, not planning on gridding this. We are in the middle of gridding the GRT. I think an H2H grid would take a mightier (and younger) man than me! Stinky, thanks for the input and encouragement. I think my next one I'll try adding the summits. If I can still keep it under 24 I'll consider adding Pinkham. As a note, I started my last one just before sunset. This got the evil dark out of the way early and allowed me the luxury of finishing in daylight. Not sure I could have kept going at the end if it had been dark.

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