Interesting Situation at Baxter: Car Boot

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Never been a fan of booting. Simply force people to pay their parking/traffic tickets before renewing their licenses and registrations and the problem of unpaid tickets goes away, especially when DMV's share info from state-to-state. But booting short-cuts our concept of "due process".

Of course, that would put the booting manufacturers out of business - maybe that's more the issue?
for clarification, it was near a trailhead and there are no phones, etc.. near. Cell phone coverage in my expereince is next to none. Just thinking if a medical emergency in which the person could get to the car, but really needed to get out of dodge ASAP - waiting for the boot to come off, could be a buzzkill.

I don't know the history of the car, etc.. who knows, just thought it odd - they will close trails for safety, but boot a car.. The car owner was in the wrong - no doubt but.....

True, but of course, one has to weight that with the fact that perhaps he shouldn't of parked there in the first place, which we presume/assume that the driver knew and weighed the possible outcome.

All I remember is Homer Simpson in NYC driving around with the boot on his car. :p

Spongebob said:
Especially if it was a Massachusetts plate or JayH.

hey, don't lump me in with those Mass...achusett plate people... MPP.. :D

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Im proboly in the minority here, but Ive climbed Katahdin once and would never go back. The final straw was being turned back from a solo winter attempt. Baxter state park is the most over=regulated piece of land Ive set foot in and to be frank they can keep it. The mountains are about freedom, I know there needs to be some regs dont get me wrong, but heck that place is so anal its not worth the drive to be harrassed over every little issue they come up with.Just my 2 cents, ok a quarter.
Im proboly in the minority here, but Ive climbed Katahdin once and would never go back. The final straw was being turned back from a solo winter attempt. Baxter state park is the most over=regulated piece of land Ive set foot in and to be frank they can keep it. The mountains are about freedom, I know there needs to be some regs dont get me wrong, but heck that place is so anal its not worth the drive to be harrassed over every little issue they come up with.Just my 2 cents, ok a quarter.

I'm with you... This is my perception as well, having never been there, and one of the reasons I can't seem to make plans to go. I'm not going drive 700+ miles RT, be away from my family, and possibly have bad weather or be denied entrance (reservation, no reservation). My work schedule of late has been demanding enough that vacations have been delayed, or not taken at all. Next year, I've read, it will get even harder to make a spur-of-the-moment day trip.

I can quite easily deal with the regulations at Baxter as long as it is for the reward that come from HIKING that area: clean, well-maintained trails ...

Have you been up N. Brother??:eek:

It's worse than the Kinsman Ridge Trail between N. Cannonball and Cannon.

Otherwise the trails have been well maintained.
I hope that the minority that won't go to Baxter due to the rules someday becomes the majority. Less people to compete with will make it easier for me to go play there. Bwaah Haa haa!! ;)
I hope that the minority that won't go to Baxter due to the rules someday becomes the majority. Less people to compete with will make it easier for me to go play there. Bwaah Haa haa!! ;)

That's what I was thinking... man I love that place.
That's what I was thinking... man I love that place.
There are lots of places that are essentially a free-for-all. I love that there are a few places like Baxter that are different. We don't need too many of them, but a few makes them all the more special.
There are lots of places that are essentially a free-for-all. I love that there are a few places like Baxter that are different. We don't need too many of them, but a few makes them all the more special.

agree - its special. Just takes some simple planning to get in there. We had zero problem getting 2 nights at abol and 2 nights at roaring brook on pretty short notice. The best thing is its not catered to motel dayhikers... and is catered to those that want to camp or backpack.

thats what makes it special to me.. little bit of work to "get" the peaks... :D;)
Baxter kicks the llama's ass. No better alpine remoteness and lines in NE.

Having said that, I do not like their regulations regarding trips above treeline in the winter and some other pickiness I encountered during a summer trip- ie. "Sorry, you cannot book nights on lean-tos that are more than 10miles apart".

As for the boot... well, they already have a "we can do whatevah we want" attitude... so I guess it wouldn't surprise me.
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If it had gotten to the point where a boot was needed, couldn't they have just not let the car in the gate until past tickets were paid?
It could be that BSP was in 'pissed off' mode. We spent Sat-Tues at Roaring Brook/Chimney. At the South gate we were told that earlier in the week two bear cubs were captured at Roaring Brook campground for eventual relocation, with Mother bear reportedly still on the prowl...

Here's the crew going up the KE...
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If it had gotten to the point where a boot was needed, couldn't they have just not let the car in the gate until past tickets were paid?

I prefer they don't take this approach as it would require verifying each vehicle had no outstanding tickets before entry and that would slow down the entry process.
BSP - Labor Day weekend

There are lots of places that are essentially a free-for-all. I love that there are a few places like Baxter that are different. We don't need too many of them, but a few makes them all the more special.

Absolutely. Dave, I live in Nova Scotia (7 hours away) and climbed Baxter Peak (via Abol slide) as a day hike. Getting in line at 4AM Sunday morning on the busiest weekend (Labor Day) of the year was not an issue and I was rewarded by a spectacular day above treeline. It was my first visit & IMHO, the rules enhanced the experience by making it seem all the more special.
If one has to make a beer/ice cream run right now and your car is booted, well... :)


It would be irresponsible to run out of beer in Baxter. Some might consider it reckless. You can be fined for that in NH.
Met one of the bear cubs last week before their capture. Close enough to shake its hand :eek:
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I'd say it already had its intended effect.

Which of you are willing to park where you aren't supposed to park after reading this thread?

Knowing how strictly the park is managed, would anyone reading this be stupid enough to have parked in a no-parking zone in the first place? I'd like to think everyone on here is smarter than that. :D

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