Interesting Situation at Baxter: Car Boot

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Not mutually exculsive qualities

Yes, Baxter is a "special place"

Yes, they go way overboard with babysittter-like regulations.

I love the place, but do not care for much of the management practices.
I.E. -requiring people to tote along a helmet on something as benign as the Abol trail in winter is just silly.

At least people aren't required to carry a double-bitted axe anymore. :D
I will conceed that it is one beautifull mountain, I did the traditional loop across the knife edge and was very happy with the mountain itself. To each his or her own, I guess if your willing to jump threw hoops, I'll admitt the mountain itself can be reward enough, just not for me.
Knowing how strictly the park is managed, would anyone reading this be stupid enough to have parked in a no-parking zone in the first place? I'd like to think everyone on here is smarter than that. :D

well maybe not... I would have never though of a boot - however, sometimes... a ticket is worth it. This was at an AT trailhead and many thru hikers were finishing.... if your family member was finishing (once in a lifetime thing) - maybe a fine is worth being able to see your son or daughter do it - right?

There have been many times in boston, I have parked knowing I was going to get a ticket - but sometimes - ya just have to!
I just thought the problem was rampant illiteracy. Last week almost every time I drove by Stump Pond there were cars parked along the road. This despite the sign that clearly says that if the lot is full to come back later.

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