It's almost time for Gathering 8.5!!!

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Sep 4, 2003
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Maine Avatar: We could use some snow around here
It's time to start planning for the winter Gathering 8.5 in Western Maine.

go and vo have graciously offered to host us at their place for the long weekend of January 13-16, 2006. They have plenty of room for tenting, both in a field and in the woods. they have some nice trails to ski on right there and are only a hop, skip, and a jump from Sugarloaf, the Bigelows, Abraham, etc.

Get psyched to convene in Kingfield (I think it's technically New Portland, right go?) for some good times and cold beers (no refrigerator required!). We'll hold the usual Saturday night potluck with the help of a warming/cook tent and two indoor kitchens that can be made available.

We are asking people to email one of us directly for details and directions.
so, if you are going to join us, let use know so we can plan for a rough number of trampers and skiers.

spencer or
v&[email protected]

In the coming weeks we can discuss trip options. I for one would love to climb Sugarloaf via the AT from the CVR and have at the mountain for free (the best kind of skiing!)

See you in January!
I'm planning on being there. I think I must have passed by Go's place on the way back from Acadia at our last mini-gathering in October. I went thru N. Portland and Kingfield.... so I shouldn't get lost.

Thanks for organizing this Spencer and Go.

I'm there already (in my head).

Oh, and my body's planning to be there, too. I can probably give rides from the Portland area if anyone needs one. Big vehicle, holds much gear!
thanks for coordinating spencer!

as far as hikes go i have been asked about an abraham/spaulding/sugarloaf hike, which is one of my favorites. easy to spot a car.
someone else asked about either bigelow or the crockers. bigelow is awesome and last winter we saw a moose on the summit of south crocker. saddleback and the horn are about half an hour away, and well worth the ride on a nice day. the nehh six pack peaks are close by up route 27.
and of course, there is always another of my favorites, redington. bring your skis!

I'm hoping to be there too for part of the weekend anyway if I can somehow get a couple of days off ..... By then I'll be ready to begin the Maine 4,000 footers :D Bigelow sounds like a GREAT place to start to me .... I guess I never met a list I didn't feel compelled to complete!! ;)
I'm getting ready, thx GO and Spence.

Mad Townie, I'm thinking about flying over there, maybe I could grab a lift?...Promise to leave the Yankee hat home this time :rolleyes:
will send PM
coldfeet said:
I'm getting ready, thx GO and Spence.

Mad Townie, I'm thinking about flying over there, maybe I could grab a lift?...Promise to leave the Yankee hat home this time :rolleyes:
will send PM

Here's a nice link for the yankee fans.

I hope i'll be up there for a hike or snowshoe. Keep burnt mt in mind. I am 100% certain i will not be camping out in january, i am not very tough. I'll probably do some skiing at the loaf if there are any other downhill huckers out there.
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hikerfast, I do remember drinking some last year and learning about how scotch was made, nice conversation. I'll start to practice drinking to build up my stamina.. :rolleyes:

I also can't remember what I ate for lunch last year on the hikes?...Madtownie did we stop to eat on the Cabot trip?

I'm not into skiing so I'll just go on the hikes, maybe one day i'll try simple skiing.....2-3 in snow here in Long Island, 3-5 expected tonight and sounds like more this weekend, have fun everyone!
hiking plans

GO, I've been wanting to hike Abraham/Spaulding/Sugarloaf for ever...I hope we get to hike it....
I will be there. After all, I've got the banner. And the big coffee pot. And if bubba (Edit: or Gris) doesn't come, I may be bringing home an apron, too.

If anyone needs a ride from the central/eastern parts of NY, I'll have room.

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Mr. Gris & his tatooed-but-polite&well-behaved 20 YO will be there "the good Lord willing..." (quoting Mr. Garcia). Our Fla. blood will be t-h-i-n & we will be s-s-sh-sh-shivering... Unlike fadda, son is a good skier and will be wanting to hit the steeps w/ other like minded whipper-snappers. Thanks for your hospitality Mr. & Mrs. GO! As is our custom we will bring a small gift for the host/hostess. :D