It's almost time for Gathering 8.5!!!

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GO said he has plenty of firewood.

there aren't any formal hikes set up yet, but there have been plenty of good suggestions and requests.

I'll likely do some combo of skiing and hiking.

Seema - We hiked Royal Coachman up but they didn't want us to. They told us to use Rock Pond and Hudson Highway in the future. That's what I did on my 2nd trip up.

Also, please consider carpooling!!! go doensn't have a ton of parking so the fewer cars the better.

maybe someone can start another thread about carpooling from various locations.

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As far as skiing, I plan to spend Friday skiing Sugarloaf if anyone wants to carve the greens and blues with me.

I'd like to try Sugarloaf and if all goes well continue to says app 10.2 mile from crv road..

Don't know about Saddleback because the book only talks about the Range..doesn't break it up into sections...

Last year i just jumped in and followed the leader, this year I want to understand what I'm getting myself into :eek:
sli74 said:
I know Saddleback allows hikers on one of their green trails (Spencer, do you remember which one it was?) but does Sugarloaf allow this and which trail do they ask you to hike on?

Thanks g o . . . and see ya in 2 weeks or so.


I saw quite a few people walking/snowshoeing up Binder near the Timberline quad at the 'Loaf this week. The lower 2/3 of Binder is a "machine access road" i.e. groomers. I am not sure if they want you walking on that or not. I think people might go up Tote Road. A better suggestion is parking at West Mt and coming up that trail and then connecting to Binder. No one skis at west mt, the trail isn't even groomed right now, lots of parking at the base of west mt, which is also the golf course. Binder is the only trail open right now from the summit. You can climb sugarloaf via the AT on the CVR, but it is pretty steep from the valley, might be a little hairy in the winter.

I'd be interested in avery peak via the fire warden's trail if this interests anyone?
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sli74 said:
I know Saddleback allows hikers on one of their green trails
A couple weeks ago I asked a ski patrol guy at Saddleback, and he said we could climb just about any trail, but he suggested Golden Smelt and Upper Gray Ghost, which come right down (or go right up :D ) the middle of the ski hill. We ended up not climbing it because of all the rain we had that Thursday.

They have a few more trails open now than they did when I was there skiing, so lets hope for lots more snow in the next 10 days!
sli74 said:
I am planning on hiking the Bigelows on Saturday and Saddleback and the Horn on Sunday from the ski area. Both days will be early starts. Would love company on either or both.


I am interested in Bigelows on Sat. Please put me on your list Seema. I will get there late friday night so perhaps a time and rendez vous point may be in order. Can you promise great views of Flagstaff lake and gray jays?

Cold feet I am alos interested in a Sugarloaf-Spaulding trip.

Also, is anyone doing Crockers?
Out of necessity, I've ramped down my plans: likely ski in to Redington (or near it) on Saturday and ski the 'Loaf on Sunday. Possibly more XC on Monday. May also hit Sunday River on Friday on the way up, as I'll possibly be staying in my cabin on Thursday night and that would allow me to sleep in an extra hour :eek: .
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whitelief said:
I am there in spirit, now just have to deliver my carcass the night before. For those who like to pour over maps: Seema, do you have a loop in mind?


I haven't decided on the direction of the loop yet but if I am feeling up to it, I might head North on the AT and down the Firewarden's Trail. Or maybe up to Horns Pond and down the Firewarden's Trail. I will decide sometime next week :) Suggestions or requests are welcome.

We'll be in the area Thursday evening - plan to ski Sugarloaf Friday, join SherpaK for Caribou Valley on Saturday, and Saddleback on Sunday with Seema (unless it's a powder day!).

We'll be the wimps staying at the Herbert in Kingfield. :eek:

Pat and I bought Grivel crampons (the 10-point flexible ones, not Newmatics) and I can't for the life of me figure out how to secure those yards of strapping. I'm going to bring them and beg one of you good people to show me how it's done.
audrey said:
Pat and I bought Grivel crampons (the 10-point flexible ones, not Newmatics) and I can't for the life of me figure out how to secure those yards of strapping. I'm going to bring them and beg one of you good people to show me how it's done.

I can show you tomorrow Audrey, if you want. :)

well, there is just one week until gathering 8.5.

here is the latest info;

-so far we have heard from about 30 people who plan to attend. if you have not done so please e-mail me or spencer and let us know for the head count.
-vo's nephew has found another place to live while he attends UMF. so, our guest house, the brokedown palace, is now empty, woohoo! and that means that gris and company from florida are in luck - beds inside!
-we'll have two porta pottys - anyone who would like to contribute to the poo fund please see spencer.
-no need to bring firewood, we have plenty. as i said to someone else, that would be like bringing sand to the desert.
-saturday evening we will have a pot-luck supper. all invited.
-our driveway can be slippery - if you don't have 4wd or very good snow tires, you may have to park at the bottom and walk up. i'll plow a small area for flatlanders with citified cars.
-car pooling will help with the parking.
-please do not feed our dogs - avery and bigelow. i spend more money feeding them than i do myself!

any questions?
I'll also be bringing up my school mascot (precious, stuffed dog), please don't feed him, he had to much to drink at the last gathering, ( from that restraunt) he's looking forward to seeing Michael's duck again...think it's love :rolleyes:
g o said:
any questions?

Will the fridge in the guest house be available for things that need to be cold but not frozen, and some counter space for things that need to be kept warm (I'm thinking of my contact lens supplies and my cell phone) ?

Seema - any chance of rearranging that Bigelows hike to go up the fire warden's trail and start with the peaks themselves? The Horns are way too long a day for me but I'd love to hit West & Avery peaks.

Any dinner plans for Friday night? I can show up anytime that evening but if there's a specific time to head out to dinner I'll arrange around that.
MichaelJ said:
Seema - any chance of rearranging that Bigelows hike to go up the fire warden's trail and start with the peaks themselves? The Horns are way too long a day for me but I'd love to hit West & Avery peaks.

I was avoiding ascending the Firewarden's trail because of how very steep it is. I thought descending it might be better but I am not against ascending it if that is what people prefer.

g o . . . how would you recommend we do the bigelows? Since you have done every combination in every condition, your input would be helpful. Thanks,

Coldfeet .... you're killing me ....

Come on, the freezing rain, the foray we took down the wrong trail in the dark after a long day, the howling coyotes ... oh, what fun !

Mad Townie ... chime in anytime

Just kidding :D That hike was the only hike where I stopped and evaluated in my head what was in my pack to spend the night out there ... 'course I never told you that!
sli74 said:
I was avoiding ascending the Firewarden's trail because of how very steep it is. I thought descending it might be better but I am not against ascending it if that is what people prefer.

g o . . . how would you recommend we do the bigelows? Since you have done every combination in every condition, your input would be helpful. Thanks,


The fire warden's trail is steep, but so is the trail down from the horns to horns pond. It would be a real long day coming from the AT off of 27 thru cranberry pond to horns pond and over to Avery Peak and then down the fire wardens trail. Off the top of my head, i would say that would be around 15 miles round trip w/ car spots.

I'm all for a trip up the fire wardens trail to Avery Peak and then down the same way. If i recall, i think it is around 4 miles each way. That depends on how far the road is plowed to the trail right now, i am not sure of that myself.
king tut said:
That depends on how far the [Stratton Brook Pond] road is plowed to the trail right now, i am not sure of that myself.

Does anyone know? That does make some difference. I've driven it in early January in a 2 wheel drive pickup . . . but of course it snowed the night we were up there and we had to get towed out the next day! :eek:

Skimom, you are coming, right? We'll have to arrange some coyotes for you.

We'll take good care of you, Coldfeet, just like last year. :D

As for the Firewarden's trail, it is steep, but I've climbed it on wood-and-rawhide snowshoes and only had to grab a couple branches on the way. Should be a cinch in crampons. Horns Pond would be an easier alternative, not above treeline but beautiful just the same. Hell, the whole place is gorgeous!!!

Did I miss the directions to go's place?
michaelj, yes you can put stuff in the frig and leave a few things inside if you need to.

seema, either way the firewardens/horns pond loop is great. the firewardens is a little steeper and a little longer than the section between horns pond and the south horn. that said either way is not bad and ends up being about an 11 mile loop from the official trailhead just before the stratton brook outlet. the road walk (or ski) from 27 to the trailhead is about 1.5 miles each way (but it is flat), so it ends up being about 14 miles to do the loop.

going up and back on the fw trail and hitting just avery and west peaks ends up being about 13.5 miles. so i'd say do the extra mile and see the range from the north and south horns.

but if you really want to do all of bigelow, start in stratton on the bigelow range trail, hit cranberry, continue over the main peaks on the AT thru safford notch and decend little bigelow to a spotted car. 20 miles of bliss and you have done the entire bigelow range. should be easy for anyone who has hiked, oh i don't know, say ... north brother in winter!