It's almost time for Gathering 8.5!!!

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it will be good to see you again gris.

hey sherpa, i thought i had hiked every peak here in western maine (more than once) but i've never been to mt. agraham. i'm signing up for that hike.

I will be there (either sleeping in the back of my vehicle or in a tent). I am also up for any of the hikes (Bigelow's, or Abe to de-Loaf, or even some of the further "6-pack peaks"). I am up for anything (except for Mr. X's porta-potty bobsled run) YIKES! :eek:

Thanks for doing this!
Coldfeet, we stopped to eat at Unknown Pond--or maybe as a newbie you forgot to bring lunch? :D Anyway, I'm sure you'll be prepared this time. Remember, you were one of only 2 out of the 5 of us who brought snowshoes, so you had a pretty good idea of what you were doing!

Anyone heading up there through Farmington should stop at the Miss Farmington Diner on the way so that you're not trying to pitch a tent on an empty stomach (those pegs really hurt!). Real Maine diner food.

The Bigelows are WONDERFUL in the winter. Summer too, of course, but winter up there is special. Think about tenting at Horns Pond if you can tear yourselves away from the rest of us for an evening. Oh, and remember that anything called a "Firewarden's Trail" is the shortest distance between two points--straight up!

I think I hear Abraham calling me, though, and maybe Redington if the road is open at all at that time of year.

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!
g o said:
...hey sherpa, i thought i had hiked every peak here in western maine (more than once) but i've never been to mt. agraham. i'm signing up for that hike...

GO: it's that flat one up in Aroostatayto county, just beyond East Overshoe. It's quite a challenge with something like 4 foot vertical climb, but a 52 mile approach. I believe I first got interested in it because I heard it was on some obscure list :rolleyes:

Anyway, whatever it is, please head up there a few times in the preceding week and pack it out all nice and smooth. I'll have to leave a day ahead of you if we want to share a summit ;)

The anticipation of this winter Gathering is keeping me (relatively) sane. I can't wait!

BTW, might want to reserve some spots in the Breakdown Palace for the Gristers. Them flatlanders don't do well in the cold air.

I also have a question: what will you/we be doing for drinking water?

Frodo: X's porta-potti bobsled (I think of it more as a luge) run is fine... as long as you are on top. :eek:
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by the way, we'll have 2 grills in action, compliments of Shizzy. He noted, however, that he will not be cooking for everyone this year. If you don't know how to flip a burger, you best learn between now and then :D

We will have at least one "warming tent" (Shizzy's spiffy new EZ-up with walls) to cook in. The Brokedown Palace will be available, too, but mostly it's a camping affair so if you don't like the cold, bring a camper!

sherpa - agraham sounds like a must do.

for drinking water here in maine we have a new fangled invention called a faucet. you turn a small handle and water comes out. we even have these things indoors in our houses. If theses new devices don't work for us we can always melt snow or boil water from indian stream.

g o said:
for drinking water here in maine we have a new fangled invention called a faucet. you turn a small handle and water comes out. we even have these things indoors in our houses. If theses new devices don't work for us we can always melt snow or boil water from indian stream.


Ha! I don't believe it. Never saw them in the LL Bean catalog.

This event is sounding better and better...So who is interested in a car pool from CT? I have easy access to I 84, 91 and 95
g o said:
sherpa - agraham sounds like a must do.

for drinking water here in maine we have a new fangled invention called a faucet. you turn a small handle and water comes out. we even have these things indoors in our houses. If theses new devices don't work for us we can always melt snow or boil water from indian stream.

Yeah, I heered o' dem tings. How good do dey werk wen 60 peeple need water at once?

If VO doesn't divorce you after this, I want to know if she has a sister :D
I was going to make this but events have conspired to prevent it. My car has blown cylinder, there's no way I'll be getting to Maine for this.

I am now 3 for 6 in gathering attempts plagued by car's feeling like "the cat ate my homework" to me.....
What hikes are going on?...Last year there were a few "beginner hikes" the 12 mile cabot hike!

but i really liked the next day hike (think Carol lead it)

Any ideas on some easier hikes for those new to the area?
Aw c'mon, Coldfeet, you mean you didn't really enjoy the Cabot Death March?!?!?!? :p Anyway, you're no longer allowed to call yourself a novice, remember?

There's lots in the area that's not too hard at all. You can even hike down the dirt road (probably snow covered) to Stratton Brook Pond--no elevation gain to speak of, but the pond is pretty nice. Up the AT to Cranberry Pond or Horns Pond is a shortish uphill walk rewarded by really nice spots, too.

If you want steep, there's plenty around that's less than 5 miles up (no, not STRAIGHT up!). In other words, there's plenty to do.

PM me for more.
The time is near. Forgive me if it's been discussed already and I'm too lazy to go back and read all the posts, but would anyone be interested in doing a pot luck dinner for one of the nights? I imagine with the large number of people going, we would have the mother of all feasts. :D
Hey all -

Hamtero and I plan to be there as well, camping in the field or woods. Maine mountains other than Sunday River are all new to me, so not sure which extravaganza I'll pick.

I'm in for the porta-potty bobsled if it ends in the aforementioned river bath/porta-potty kayak run, aka the VFTT biathlon. Gotta do it right.

Will email for directions...
artex - yes, we are planning to have the traditional saturday night pot luck dinner for those interested. there are a few good restaurants just a few minutes away in kingfield as well as annie's that makes subs/pizza. annie's riverside cafe and the woodsman are both open for beakfast at 7:00.

coldfeet - as for easier hikes there is burnt mountain, cranberry peak, saddleback or sugarloaf via the ski area, or little bigelow.

a little bit harder would be hikes like adding spaulding to sugarloaf, adding the horn to saddleback, or the crockers from either cvr or 27.

longer/harder ones include abraham either by itself or adding spaulding/sugarloaf, west & avery peak of bigelow, or adding the n & s horns to the bigelows for a great loop. the nehh peaks are all harder to get to the trailheads and so become longer and harder just bacuse of distances not to mention the bushwacking.

see you all soon.
g o said:
saddleback or sugarloaf via the ski area, or little bigelow.


I know Saddleback allows hikers on one of their green trails (Spencer, do you remember which one it was?) but does Sugarloaf allow this and which trail do they ask you to hike on?

Thanks g o . . . and see ya in 2 weeks or so.

I am coming to this...A few questions;
Last year the was a need for firewood, is this so for this gathering?

Are there any hikes formaly organized? I am interested in the six inthe imediate area.

Do we need helmets for the bobsled?

Anyone else need a carpool from southern New England?