It's almost time for Gathering 8.5!!!

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Thx Lina

Want to thank my wife of 20 years for letting me go on this trip when many other spouces would say "no" :eek: also have to apologize to her for being rude yesterday when she was preparing me food for the gathering. I'm sorry Lina :( Love David

a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, should have learned it last first..
spencer said:
I like Theo's better!

and we had a rousing good time there, too last year.


I hope you liked theo's last year, cause it doesn't exist this year. They went bankrupt. There is a new place called The Rack there now that has bar/barbecue/dinner food. I haven't been there yet, but i have heard that it is pretty happening. Tufulio's is good but i am not sure if they could accomodate a large group if there are a lot of people going. I would like to check out The Rack if that interests some people. If people do not know, it's right at the bottom of the access road to sugarloaf.
Just let us know where dinner will be, because the Bigelow 14 milers may be getting out of the woods just a little late (oh, and don't worry about us like you did last year!!!) ;)
Just FYI: Even if dinner is the Rack, and I'm moments away at the 'Loaf, I still plan to drive past it and head back to GO's first to set up camp while it's still light out.

King Tut - can you let us skiers know the final decision? You're likely to be the last person online...

EDIT: if we get a foot of snow Saturday night, I'm going back to Sugarloaf on Sunday, even if it's a full price ticket and long weekend crowds!
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Crockers on Fryday

Probably a late start, (10:30?- driving up in AM)I'll stop in @ GO's first. Leave notes, I'll see ya on the trail if anyone else is going there...
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I just got up to the valley, and the snowpack is down from the weather. Maybe 6-12 inches of snowpack or so in the woods. should be easier for people to hike in. I heard there might be some decent snow on saturday night. The rack would be good on friday night if people are interested. It would be centrally located for skiiers and bigelow hikers.
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Hi to all,

I will not be able to go to the gathering but I want to wish all that are going a great weekend. As I am writing a proposal I will be thinking about all of you and what I am missing.

Happy shoeing and skiing,

:eek: I'm unfortunately not able to make it this time around either. I will be thinking of you guys.
Wishing you all a great weekend....
Have one or two or more for me!
OK, so I haven't been to that many gatherings, but.....every one I've been to has had RAIN. I'm looking at the weather report, and it mentions rain on Saturday.

Can someone tell me... Are they PLANNED like this?

Ain't no matter, I'm gonna be there.
prino said:
:eek: I'm unfortunately not able to make it this time around either. I will be thinking of you guys.
Wishing you all a great weekend....
Have one or two or more for me!

Awww, bummer Prino. I was looking forward to having a bowl of porridge with you. :D
Artex said:
Awww, bummer Prino. I was looking forward to having a bowl of porridge with you. :D

I was looking forward to a hot bowl of curryless porridge myself! ;)
Have fun Jamie!

Pete....It's going to rain because I couldn't be there :D It held off beautifully in Acadia!
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