Jay H said:
I have plans to do a bushwack to Van Wyck from Peekamoose Road hopefully hitting the plane wrecks (I think I have the GPS coordinates too) and then to table and Peekamoose.
Here is a post from the Catskill 3500 Club Yahoo! group, from VFTT member ERD, concerning Van Wyck (edited for spelling):
I have found the best place to park is at the foot of Bear Hole Creek,
where there is a pull-in. Across an unkempt area that looks like it is
an old garden, you will see a stone wall. Slightly to the left is a
woods road. You cam follow this, turning right where the opportunity
presents, before the roads finally give out and you have to head to
the center of the ridge. [The bottom of the Van Wyck Ridge is slightly
forked, and it is possible to also go in over a bridge in one of the
camping areas up the W fork of the ridge, but it amounts to the same
thing in fairly short order].
Keep heading up to the ridge center. You may find a herd path to the
lower (jet) crash. The ridge is quite open and it is easy going, with
some fairly massive trees here and there that are worthy of note.
Eventually, you will reach the second crash (civilian) which is at the
center of what is now a fairly narrow ridge. Ahead, the steep summit
of Van Wyck looms.
On a raised section before the summit proper you will find several
deep pits. These are the "bear holes," for which the Creek is named.
These would presumably have originally been deeper, and would have had
a trap or a spike at the bottom. You will then climb like crazy for
several hundred feet, with much rather unconsolidated surface and some
interesting ledges. At the summit, there are some fine view ledges on
the right. A good place for a break.
Go a little further to the N, paying careful attention to the terrain,
and you will see the ridge from Table coming in on your right. This is
quite pronounced, and the traverse is, in my experience, easy and
unambiguous. I generally bear a bit to the right on the final portion
of the ascent up Table, as this avoids a few dense spots. All of this
ridge has attractive views. You will hit the trail.
The old trail departs the existing trail at the overlook ledge on
Peekamoose. Last time I was there, this summer, I had a little trouble
finding it, but it *can* be found with diligence. You will find
occasional blazes, metal and paint as you descend, though they are not
that easy to follow. It is extremely steep in places, and not
especially easy going. I find it more of historical interest then
anything else.
At some point you will want to bear off the line of the trail (which
you will probably lose, anyhow), over towards the valley of the
Buttermilk. If you reach that low down, you will find a presentable
trail that will take you out to the road, and you will be rewarded by
a nice view of the upper falls. If you take the old trail, I'd almost
suggest spotting a car to avoid the road walk--not that it is that far
to Peekamoose, but I just don't like road walks. Not by any means
necessary, though...
Laurie and I might take this route during MAGIC.
A Great
Climb ?