MAGIC-'06 in the catskills

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Hmmmm... sounds like an interesting plan... what is the mileage on that one?
I'll do the bws if I can get off sat. Should be about 8-10 hours depending on how misdirected we can get. Its a 9-10 hour loop from Denning, but this would be quicker(spotting cars).
hermit said:
Chip,if you spot car at Moonhaw you may be able to also hike Balsam Cap and Friday Mtns.

Chip said:
That's what I'd REALLY like to do. Anyone up for that ?

I am definitely interested in at least a part of this hike. I'd like to climb Friday and Balsam Cap from Moonhaw. Depending on how I feel at BC, I could either go back to the car, or continue on to Rocky & Lone and then down the blue marked trail to the parking area. Chip, we can work out the exact logistics later, but if you are planning all 6 peaks starting with Peekamoose and Table, maybe we can do a key swap or at the very least plan something in the way of having cars at both the PT trailhead and Moonhaw.

I'm also not against other hikes, but would like to complete the 35 one of these years. :p

If not a car SPOT, I'm sure one of us can drop you off.

I have plans to do a bushwack to Van Wyck from Peekamoose Road hopefully hitting the plane wrecks (I think I have the GPS coordinates too) and then to table and Peekamoose.

I'm inviting a friend(s) from Westchester County that I've been chatting via email but have never met yet so I told her that I'd guide her first trip to the catskills up Van Wyck and Table/Peek. HAHAHAHA, first trip to the catskills will be to plane wrecks and silly Catskills HH peaks...HAHAHAHAHA...

Maybe we can run into each other on Table or Peekamoose....

Friday I am considering doing Ashoken HP cause it's kind of on the way to Sundown and is a nice short warmup.

i12climbup said:
I am definitely interested in at least a part of this hike. I'd like to climb Friday and Balsam Cap from Moonhaw. Depending on how I feel at BC, I could either go back to the car, or continue on to Rocky & Lone and then down the blue marked trail to the parking area. Chip, we can work out the exact logistics later, but if you are planning all 6 peaks starting with Peekamoose and Table, maybe we can do a key swap or at the very least plan something in the way of having cars at both the PT trailhead and Moonhaw.

I'm also not against other hikes, but would like to complete the 35 one of these years. :p

I understand it gets pretty thick up there, hands and knees thick. I'm surprised there isn't more of a path between peaks, but that's what it's about. I'd like to get the whole string there. I could always head up Friday and Balsam and then head for Rocky, Lone and Table. If I miss the peaks I'll eventually hit the trail. I'll plan on doing that if there aren't any better offers.
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It's not really hands and knees thick, at least not for me anyway, but it's thick between rocky and balsam cap because most folks do the pairs from either ends... Friday/BC from Moon Haw and Lone/Rock from either Denning or PT trailhead.

Jay H said:
I have plans to do a bushwack to Van Wyck from Peekamoose Road hopefully hitting the plane wrecks (I think I have the GPS coordinates too) and then to table and Peekamoose.

Here is a post from the Catskill 3500 Club Yahoo! group, from VFTT member ERD, concerning Van Wyck (edited for spelling):


I have found the best place to park is at the foot of Bear Hole Creek,
where there is a pull-in. Across an unkempt area that looks like it is
an old garden, you will see a stone wall. Slightly to the left is a
woods road. You cam follow this, turning right where the opportunity
presents, before the roads finally give out and you have to head to
the center of the ridge. [The bottom of the Van Wyck Ridge is slightly
forked, and it is possible to also go in over a bridge in one of the
camping areas up the W fork of the ridge, but it amounts to the same
thing in fairly short order].

Keep heading up to the ridge center. You may find a herd path to the
lower (jet) crash. The ridge is quite open and it is easy going, with
some fairly massive trees here and there that are worthy of note.
Eventually, you will reach the second crash (civilian) which is at the
center of what is now a fairly narrow ridge. Ahead, the steep summit
of Van Wyck looms.

On a raised section before the summit proper you will find several
deep pits. These are the "bear holes," for which the Creek is named.
These would presumably have originally been deeper, and would have had
a trap or a spike at the bottom. You will then climb like crazy for
several hundred feet, with much rather unconsolidated surface and some
interesting ledges. At the summit, there are some fine view ledges on
the right. A good place for a break.

Go a little further to the N, paying careful attention to the terrain,
and you will see the ridge from Table coming in on your right. This is
quite pronounced, and the traverse is, in my experience, easy and
unambiguous. I generally bear a bit to the right on the final portion
of the ascent up Table, as this avoids a few dense spots. All of this
ridge has attractive views. You will hit the trail.

The old trail departs the existing trail at the overlook ledge on
Peekamoose. Last time I was there, this summer, I had a little trouble
finding it, but it *can* be found with diligence. You will find
occasional blazes, metal and paint as you descend, though they are not
that easy to follow. It is extremely steep in places, and not
especially easy going. I find it more of historical interest then
anything else.

At some point you will want to bear off the line of the trail (which
you will probably lose, anyhow), over towards the valley of the
Buttermilk. If you reach that low down, you will find a presentable
trail that will take you out to the road, and you will be rewarded by
a nice view of the upper falls. If you take the old trail, I'd almost
suggest spotting a car to avoid the road walk--not that it is that far
to Peekamoose, but I just don't like road walks. Not by any means
necessary, though...


Laurie and I might take this route during MAGIC.

Make A Great Inclined Climb ? :D
I went with Ted the 2nd time we did Van Wyck..following his directions and bushwacking there.

When the first time we did it, I think it was Fred and I and we simply hiked from Moffett(?) field because it was right next to where we camped... We missed both planes (I didn't even know of the military plane then) because we were a bit west of the place where Ted says to start and we missed the small civilian plane cause we basically followed the middle of the tongue there whereas the small civ. plane is somewhat on the western edge.

I need Balsam cap/ Friday....and Rocky/Lone....but I can't offer any bushwacking experience because .......I only go on the club hikes....Are speed records being broken on these trips?...If they are then I'm going to have to pass....I would be content for just doing 2 of these on Sat and the other 2 on sunday if my knees allow me....thx..I'd offer to spot a car also..
coldfeet said:
I need Balsam cap/ Friday....and Rocky/Lone....but I can't offer any bushwacking experience because .......I only go on the club hikes....Are speed records being broken on these trips?...If they are then I'm going to have to pass....I would be content for just doing 2 of these on Sat and the other 2 on sunday if my knees allow me....thx..I'd offer to spot a car also..

No speed records with me, nosiree. Book time hiker here, and I like to take a lot of pics. I never rush, unless I am with others who are much faster. In all liklihoood, I'll be doing Friday and BC on Saturday, and as you said, possibly Lone and Rocky on sunday.

No worries with the bushwhacking, I've done plenty. Don't call me an expert, but I think we'll find the cannisters just fine, and the cars at the end of the day as well ...... :p

I'm no speedster, maybe a bit quicker than book with photo and refreshment stops...BUT...looking at the map it's just too tempting to go up to Friday and Balsam and then continue to Rocky, Lone, Table and Peek.

From Moonhaw, up Friday to Balsam Cap to Rocky, Lone, Table and Peek, then back down to the camping area looks to be about 11 or 12 miles. Granted there is the whack factor, so it would be a long day. I'd also pack light prepared for a possible overnight, but I think with a little preparation and an EARLY start this would be do-able.

Having said that, I like an early finish and beer by a campfire as much (or more) than the next guy, so I'll do whatever everyone else is doing, including finding the 2 planes, the peaks aren't going anywhere.
Thx guys....I'm in for a group hike and then one of those bushwack pairs the next day...I want to enjoy the weekend because I don't get to many days to string together...I'd like to see if I can stay with Jay for 5 min also :eek:
Chip said:
From Moonhaw, up Friday to Balsam Cap to Rocky, Lone, Table and Peek, then back down to the camping area looks to be about 11 or 12 miles. Granted there is the whack factor, so it would be a long day. I'd also pack light prepared for a possible overnight, but I think with a little preparation and an EARLY start this would be do-able.

Chip, we haven't met or hiked together but from what I gather from reading your trip reports, you'll have no problem with this hike. It's a long day, but you'll be fine. In fact, I'd like to do them all in a day as well, altho I am uncertain about how I'd feel. My grandmother and my wife's mother both died recently (within 4 weeks of each other), so I haven't been out hiking since August 12. I'll be climbing Doubletop tomorrow (saturday), so perhaps I can gauge my fitness level a little better afterwards.

Another thought - - -
I've been wanting to explore the slide on Friday. Depending on several factors, Balsam Cap, Friday, and the slide could make for a fine day in the woods! More info on the Friday slide --Here--
Ended up climbing Fir (CAT35) and Spruce (CAT100) with Peakbagr. Perfect weather to be out. TR to follow.

Regarding whether to climb 2 or 4 or 6 peaks, I've decided that Friday and Balsam Cap will be enough for me. I felt great after ~9 miles yesterday, and I really enjoy taking my time during a Catskill bushwhack. There are so many neat geological features, mini ampitheathers, small grassy "meadows", and unexpected vistas in the woods to explore. Doing all 4 or 6 of those peaks would have me feeling rushed. My car or truck will be at Moonhaw, so I can still provide a shuttle for anyone doing the traverse from Moonhaw Rd to the PT trailhead.
Hi Rob,
I might be able to join you on Sat. for Friday and Balsam Cap,and maybe if you want we can go to the b-26 plane wreck .I know the area pretty well. I only live about 5 miles from Moonhaw rd...Sorry to hear about your losses.
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Tom Rankin said:
Here is a post from the Catskill 3500 Club Yahoo! group, from VFTT member ERD, concerning Van Wyck (edited for spelling):


I have found the best place to park is at the foot of Bear Hole Creek,
where there is a pull-in. Across an unkempt area that looks like it is
an old garden, you will see a stone wall. Slightly to the left is a
woods road. You cam follow this, turning right where the opportunity
presents, before the roads finally give out and you have to head to
the center of the ridge. [The bottom of the Van Wyck Ridge is slightly
forked, and it is possible to also go in over a bridge in one of the
camping areas up the W fork of the ridge, but it amounts to the same
thing in fairly short order].
I believe this is the woods road you're talking about:

I might be going to this gathering.

-Dr. Wu
hermit said:
Hi Rob,
I might be able to join you on Sat. for Friday and Balsam Cap,and maybe if you want we can go to the b-26 plane wreck .I know the area pretty well. I only live about 5 miles from Moonhaw rd..I am a moderate hiker also.Sorry to hear about your losses.

Hi Ralph, that sounds great! I forgot about the plane wreck over there, and am 100% up to seeing it. How is your 35x12 quest coming along? Seems like everytime I sign a canister register in the Catskills I see a lot of "Ralph Ryndack and "Mudhook" among the entries. :D

Ironically, before doing this hike, I had planned to email you to ask about the parking on Moonhaw. I recall a post you made awhile ago about the property owner near the end of the road who had recently stopped allowing hikers to cross his property.
Coldfeet, I just got back from the catsills so I hope the others have at least answered the PM that you sent me. Most likely I will not be doing that hike but the Van Wyck hike but of course we could run into each other on Peekamoose/Table perhaps.

HarryK and I did that trip last winter from Friday, to Table summit and then back over Peekamoose. I think it took us 9 hours total, incluing lunch and many photo opportunites. We did this in winter but without snowshoes for the most part.
