MAGIC-'06 in the catskills

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dr_wu002 said:
I believe this is the woods road you're talking about:
You are correct, sir. Although on at least one occasion Ted and Chuck appeared to have started on the east side of Bear Hole Creek, and then switched to the west side and picked up the old road. That track log can be found here. The trip track also shows the plane crash sites and the old Ledge Trail that they used to descend down to Buttermilk Falls.

That lower section of the current Peekamoose Trail also appears as an old road shown on the that map Dr. Wu posted (just to the east of the 1215 benchmark). Although in reality the start at CR 42 is on a cutover side road just east of this old road, which gave a more direct access to the trailhead parking area, Very quickly the cutover joins the main section of that old road.

Have fun I will be working that weekend.
Hi Rob,
I am currently at 384/ done and I only have 5 to do in Nov..Balsam Cap and Friday are not the ones that I need,but I climb other Mtns. that are not on the grid.I am not too serious about the grid ,it's just for fun.If I can help you out in Dec.on your 35 er quest,let me know I have all 35 done in Dec.I will be away from hiking for 2 weeks at the end of Nov.,so I am trying to climb the 5 that I need possibly before nov.4.Vly,Bearpen,Sugarloaf,Plateau,Kaaterskill H.P..
I'd also like to do Bearpen & Vly soon, especially after reading Rik's TR on, but unfortunately it's looking like a non-hiking weekend for me next weekend (Oct 28/29). I cannot commit to it yet, but perhaps Sunday the 5th would be a good day for Bearpen & Vly. Don't wait for me, but if by chance it happens that you don't get a opp to climb those two before then, then maybe we can do them on the 5th. Regardless, hopefully you can join me for Friday & BC on Saturday so I'll get to pick your brain for beta. :p :D

PS - sent you a PM.
Re: Bearpen - Vly, use particular caution here with regard to hunting season. It is HEAVILY used by hunters and part of the land is occupied by a private hunting cabin.
Hi David.. Car camping both nights at Sundown. First Come, First Served!

I plan on doing a bushwack to Van Wyck and Table/Peekamoose, walk back to the campsite unless we run into you guys doing the bushwack range, then we'll deflate your tires and make you guys walk..HAHAHAHAHA... :p

Sunday's plans can be discussed saturday night. Perhaps a hike south on the Long path to the falls there... though it might be a long hike, I think it's 8 miles one way.... I haven't looked yet..

Thought I'd bump this MattC's post on other site...sounds like he wished for winter boots because of "coldfeet" hmmmm sounds familiar :rolleyes:

I'm thinking about bringing the kitchen stove again for breakfast....pancakes anyone?
Funny you mention that, I thought pancakes would be a tasty delight to enjoy on Saturday morning... Especially of it is chilly out.

I'll be heading to Sundown either Thursday after work or early Friday morning and hiking during the day, staying over Friday night, hiking Saturday, but I need to be on the road by 5pm... I have an AT meeting Saturday night in Wappingers to attend, we are building a replacement bridge near the RPH Shelter next year...

I plan on doing a bushwack to Van Wyck and Table/Peekamoose,
Jay, Steve and I are interested in doing this hike on Saturday.

We're coming Friday after work. Are fires allowed? We can bring some firewood if needed.
Hi PG, yeah, campfires are allowed.

About a year ago, Funkyfreddy and I were camping there and there were some yahoos a few campsites closer to the road who were throwing some kind of gas bombs in a campfire cause it was shooting flames like 10ft high...

pudgy_groundhog said:
Jay, Steve and I are interested in doing this hike on Saturday.

We're coming Friday after work. Are fires allowed? We can bring some firewood if needed.
We'd like to join in to. What time is everyone starting out from the campground?
I dunno, perhaps 8:30... that sounds about good.. :) Might be discussed friday night...

Jay H said:
I dunno, perhaps 8:30... that sounds about good.. :) Might be discussed friday night...
We won't be there Friday night, but if we get there at 8:30 and you are gone, hopefully someone will know what you did!
We'll wait for you Tom, sounds like there may be a big breakfast in the offing anyway. I'd bring Bloodies, but we'd get no hiking done.
I'll probably come out friday night and do the Jay H procession on Saturday. I can bring fire wood also.
Chip said:
We'll wait for you Tom, sounds like there may be a big breakfast in the offing anyway. I'd bring Bloodies, but we'd get no hiking done.
I'll probably come out friday night and do the Jay H procession on Saturday. I can bring fire wood also.
Sounds great! We'll be there at 7:30 if Coldfeet is cooking!
A small group of us are doing Friday and Balsam Cap on Saturday. At this point in time, I don't know if we are camping or just coming up for the day. If we decide to camp, then we'll see ya friday night. If not, then I plan to stop by Sundown after the hike to see if ya'll are back yet. I'm not sure what plans the others have, but I'd really like to camp at least one night, if not both. I'll know for sure by Wednesday night.

Hi Rob,
Maddy and I can meet up with you and Alan at the end of Moonhaw rd. what ever time you want. I will be hiking both Thur. and Friday also. E-mail me with the meeting time.The weather looks to be great for hiking over the whole period.The woods should be drying out over the next couple of days.Thursday-Vly ,and Bearpen,and maybe Kaaterskill h.p.. Friday-Sugarloaf and Plateau.Sat. Balsam Cap and Friday mtns.
OK, I was going to say if you are going to show up saturday, best you show up before 8:30... Coldfeet is coming, I believe friday night and he might bring FunkyFred along too! Ooh no, hide the women and kids! :eek:

I think post-hike activities saturday would be going over to Brios in Phoenicia to eat a good dinner and discuss Sunday plans...

Does anybody need directions?

Since there may still be ongoing construction west of Olivebridge and Winchell Corners (restaurant), the best way to get to Sundown Wild Forest campsites is to go west on Rt 28, past the first sign that says Rt28A (it's the loooonnnnggg way around the Ashoken Reservoir but very nice if you have time, it's a nice ride, watch out for deer!).

Anyway, after a bit, you'll see a small sign for Olivebridge past an expensive Mobil station on the right. Slow down after the Mobil station.... Once you see the sign for Olivebridge, slow down some more and look for the restaurant on the left that is Winchell Corners... I think there might even be a sign indicating a left turn... Not a big deal, it's really the only left turn. There is some kind of store on the far left corner too. "Moose" something, but anyway, make the left and take this road til you literally cross the Ashoken.. At the stop sign, you have to make a left here, the right turn is blocked off... Continue down the damm and then bear RIGHT at the Y you'll come across and then continue straight. This is now Rt 28A and you'll cross a big building and pumping station and a large parking lot on the right with DEP cars and official looking things.

Now you can continue on Rt 28A for a bit, past Rt 213, past Hermit's house, until you see the General Store on the left (Says "American" on it I think). Anyway, it should be obvious, it's probably the first/only commercial building on the road that you'll see from the damm. After the general store, slow down and look for the brown sign that goes left, it says "Sundown" on the bottom sign and is also Rt 42, this is peekamoose Road (effectively anyway, Mapquest shows it as something else). Make this left and then go for a good 6-7 miles-ish til you get to the campsites past the Peekamoose/Table trailhead and just after Merritt field thing.

Unfortunately I won't be able to attend as I just had a bunch of gigs/work dropped in my lap at the last minute.... it's a good thing as I need the work but a bad thing as I would have liked to have been there and hiked with everybody.

I hope everyone has a great time hiking this weekend.... I'll be in NYC mixing a bunch of bands.
Jay thx for do i just print out your post and not the whole thread?

Freddy, soccer season has 1 month left, after that you can hitch a ride with me anytime..

Weather looks real good for this weekend...

Still undecided on Sat's hike...

Tom, kitchen closes at 8, come a little earlier..