I'm largely self-taught, having read Fleming's Staying Found and Kjellstrom's Be Expert WIth Map & Compass, but would only consider myself tolerably albeit uncomfortably competent. I haven't gotten lost (yet), but I have to admit that I'm often pleasantly surprised when things work out the way they should, based upon my readings. I forget where I read it, but the notion of trusting one's compass and not one's perceptions or inclinations has been very useful--and on the money--at times. Still, the main problem that I have is me: When I take a bearing to try to figure out what peak or feature I'm looking at I all-too-often think I can trust my poor sense of distance rather than the line of the bearing. (Don't think, John!) Being a belt and suspenders type of dude, I recently bought a gps unit to supplement a compass and map.