Saw this today on Facebook:
Cougar stalking a mule deer - purportedly taken by a USFS Trail camera near Hood River, Oregon.
I thought it was a Golden Retriever...
I hate to state the obvious, but a picture from a game camera in Oregon has absolutely no bearing on supposed sightings of big cats in New England or anywhere in the East, for that matter. But, I probably should just give up on this, and stop reading these threads ....
Yeah, I know - I just thought people would get a kick out of what a verified sighting in the East might look like some day.
Saw some fresh mountain lion tracks on my long run this weekend (south-central California coastal mountains) but, unfortunately, the critter remained out of sight. I have seen tracks a bunch off times, and a group of us was once doing a night run and heard a cat screech a couple of times, but... I WANT TO SEE ONE! Preferably one that has just had a nice big meal.![]()
Maine Watch in Maine had a segment with a state biologist. He was in the camp that cougar sitings in NNE are a result of western cougars roaming and that there was no breeding population in the area.
What I thought was most interesting is that the cat was stalking the deer. Always think of them as an ambush predator, waiting for something, or occasionally, someone to wander to close.
Hard for me (as the dull tack) to imagine the deer has no clue what is behind him, after all they are pretty skittish & neither seem to shoe any reaction to the flash. Wouldn't the deer have triggered it when it first entered the line of sight of the trigger device on the camera.
Again, I admit to not being very bright, but I'm also a skeptic. If this ends up being a photoshop hoax, I won't be greatly surprised. "You mean everything on FB isn't true? I better get rid of my "I taught Ed Visteurs everything comment."![]()