Mountain Bike Wednesday Nights Anyone? North West Boston Area

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una_dogger said:
Looks like there is a 40% chance of some unfair weather tommorrow.

I still plan to ride unless its pouring.

Would everyone be able to post thier intentions here tommorrow by say 4:30 pm?


in the weeds at work, 50/50 if I will be there. If I don't see you all 6:30ish,
have fun.
Well, that was fun!

The rains held out and the group was:
Bob, Geri, Dani, Sabrina, Mike (not yet a VfTT member ;) )

We rode for about 1.5 hours on singletrack, some challenging sections!

Thanks to Bob for navigating and Geri for co piloting!

I had a great time and can't wait to do this again!
Thanks for organizing the ride Sabrina! It was a fun time.

But rumor has it we missed what some think is an even better way to spend Wed nights - TV night. Huh ?????? What's up with that folks.
Don't even try to make me feel guilty. I only see these friends (former coworkers) once every two weeks and the bike trips were specifically scheduled for those evenings. So thwwwpt!

I'll be there for a ride or two over the course of the summer, don't worry, especially if we do any in the "off" weeks. But my bike doesn't have knobbed tires so based on the description Sabrina gave me, I'd have been struggling in a number of spots. It was my commuting hybrid so it's got 1" slicks right now.
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una_dogger said:
Well, that was fun!

The rains held out and the group was:
Bob, Geri, Dani, Sabrina, Mike (not yet a VfTT member ;) )

We rode for about 1.5 hours on singletrack, some challenging sections!

Thanks to Bob for navigating and Geri for co piloting!

I had a great time and can't wait to do this again!

Any photos of the GBF Traverse?
With the intention of forcing me to buy a new one, I sold my mountain bike just before I left Hawaii. I am hoping to buy a new bike in the next 2 weeks. I'm up for post work riding if it is south of Boston.

- darren
just saw this thread - I am interested - but would prefer something a tad more south west.

upton, natick, area maybe? is that too far south for this group?