NH Covid Ski Area Recomendations


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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
I expect VT resorts will have similar restrictions. It will probably result in fewer skiers on the trails which is not a bad thing.
This just reverts back to when I first started skiing. The lodge always looked like a mad house. A game of musical seats. We always just used the car as our lockerroom/cafeteria.
Do you mean more skiing at established places like Tucks OR more skiers in the further out?

A new book was just published about skiing the Presidential range, and a new edition of Goodman's book is coming out. Expect backcountry skiing to increase everywhere, with less experienced skiers exploring new terrain. I'm sure more folks will head to Tucks in mid-winter conditions resulting in more accidents and rescues, but I suspect it will be a problem across the board.
That is presupposing that the FS does not elect to close Tucks and the Cutler River drainage again this winter. I met several skiers on Wildcat this spring looking longingly over at the primo snow conditions over on Tucks and the upper snowfields.

My guess is Granite Backcountry Alliances backcountry glades will get more usage once a reasonable snow pack forms.
Expect more back country skiing and probably more accidents.

Backcountry skiers are still going to do their thing. Are you suggesting more people are going to take up backcountry skiing because they can't use the lodge? I seriously doubt that would happen.
From the quick research I've done at Vermont resorts, it does not look like skiers will be prohibited from using the lodge for eating and restroom breaks, but that storing personal gear indoors will be prohibited. It also seems that resorts will be limiting access using a daily skier limit and that will be controlled by online ticket sales and an online reservation system for season pass owners. I expect that midweek skiing (except holiday weeks) will not be affected significantly by the skier limit.
... I expect that midweek skiing (except holiday weeks) will not be affected significantly by the skier limit.

I sincerely hope so! But...

Mid-week hiking traffic has increased significantly in the Covid era. I thinks it's a combination of furloughed folks, fully unemployed folks, work-at-home folks taking advantage of "flexible" schedules and families with kids who are not in the classroom.

Why, it downright negates the benefits of being a retired old outdoor fart!
I sincerely hope so! But...

Mid-week hiking traffic has increased significantly in the Covid era. I thinks it's a combination of furloughed folks, fully unemployed folks, work-at-home folks taking advantage of "flexible" schedules and families with kids who are not in the classroom.

Why, it downright negates the benefits of being a retired old outdoor fart!

I was just saying that exact thing today. I'm seeing way more people on weekdays. And I'm sure it's because of all the reasons you mentioned.
I sincerely hope so! But...

Mid-week hiking traffic has increased significantly in the Covid era. I thinks it's a combination of furloughed folks, fully unemployed folks, work-at-home folks taking advantage of "flexible" schedules and families with kids who are not in the classroom.

Why, it downright negates the benefits of being a retired old outdoor fart!

I'll probably do a recon trip to a couple local resorts during the Thanksgiving weekend to get a feel for the changes, then return midweek to ski.