NH48 Diretissima North to South 9/19-9/28


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It was an honour to hike with you on Saturday Mats - awesome job and thanks for having us along!! What a glorious day on the pressies and once again it took your enthusiasm to bring everyone together and have another great gathering.

leaf said:
Mats.. wicked proud of you dude! It was awesome hiking Jefferson-Adams-Madison with you. What a beautiful day it was. Hope we didn't annoy you too much with our lame jokes, terrible sing-alongs and our pet moth named Sally. :D

Special kudos to you Mats for putting up with us.....! We definitely won't be quiting our day jobs!
Mats you sure are a tough act to follow.
I'm so glad you listened to your body.
Your my hero...hope to see you soon. :)
mtnmama said:
Mats you sure are a tough act to follow.
I'm so glad you listened to your body.
Your my hero...hope to see you soon. :)
Ditto, mama.

Don't wanna ignore the body, it can get pretty pissed and it is mighty vengeful if ignored.

You rock, man, hope to see ya soon.
Thanks everyone :)

Day 0

JasonPatrik picked me up at work in Boston (he came down all the way from Tilton, NH) and then up to Youngblood's place in Bethlehem where we overnighted. Sorted gear and packed the pack which weighed in at 65 lbs.
The food was the bulk of it. Food, water and the pack itself amounted to about 45 lbs. Tent, sleeping bag, liner and sleeping pad was another 6 lbs. Clothing, cooking stuff, repair kit, first aid, electronics, hygien, camera and porn magazines was another 14 lbs.

Day 1
We placed Jason's car at the Starr King TH where Chinoktrail picked us up and we drove to Mt. Cabot TH where she dropped us off. 5:28am the trek started. It's a different type of ordeal with 65 lbs on your back. A little after 6am we turned off our headlamps and slowly we came t the creek crossing with the "last drinkable water" or whatever the sign says. Dropped the pack at the trail intersection at 2,900 feet and after the mushroom cloud settled we continued up feeling awesome - nothing like an instant 30% weight loss :D Great views from the cabin and it was an undercast with the valleys covered in white in the morning sun. Checked out the cabin inside and took some pix before moving on to the summit. It was frost on the ground. It took us 2hrs 13 min from the TH to the summit. Ten pushups and then back down during which time I posted on vftt with the Iphone.....AT&T had great reception.

Down at th packs we took a break and Jason said someone was coming up the trail - and the wide bright smile of Adventurist came up between the trees with her red ArcTeryx jacket. Hug and then she went up Cabot. Jason and I had another bite and then off to the col and the Terraces. jason helped to get the pack on. The straps are the hardest - helps to loosen them up before swinging on the pack and then tighten them again. Traverse over to the col was beautiful, we had a quick pause before starting the 600 vertical to the 3,630' first summit of the three Terraces. One step at a time and we turned around here and there to look back at Cabot and pad ourselves on the back ;)

Adjusted our altimeters by the summit sign and continued....Kilkenny Ridge Trail is a beauty. Over the middle one and on the last one we dropped the packs and went th e0.1 miles to the true summit and outlook. Took pix again before going back to the packs. Got SMS from Adventurist she will meet on Waumbeck instead of trying to catch up. I think I turned on the GPS tracker here again. The appr 1,000 vertical down to the low point and intersection with York Pond Trail. Here the goal was to make it in 100 vertical feet increments since we had 1,250' or so of gain to the first Weeks. It was 11:16am when we left York Pond trail. Slow and steady it went. "Wicked awesome! We are at 2,900 feet!" and so it went. Gotta enjoy the small victories during these long hikes.

Took a good break at the summit. Took off the shoes to air out the feet and socks. Here the last sandwich for the trip went down. Then we dropped 650' or so to the next col before starting up......only 425' of gain or so.....felt like stealing candy from kids ;) ....not exactly......were excited to only have two more dips before Waumbeck though. The next two dips were not so bad although they were felt. The last mile or so before Waumbeck you are on this ridge at 3,800-3,900 feet which feels like forever before you finally take a 55 foot dip and then head up to the summit......we continued to a shady place in the col to take a break and forgot the pushups in the meantime :eek:

No Adventurist though - we found out later she waited on Starr King but got cold). Did the pushups on Starr King instead and then we started the long descent to the Starr King TH. Felt pretty beat by now but psyched that we made the two summits on the agenda for today. Cabot goes quickly but then you have two hard earned summit Waumbeck and Jefferson) for which you have to cover close to 30 miles of real estate. And then you have 45 to go after that. Was trying to tell myself it's all mental :D

After about three lightyears the parking lot with the one car showed up. It was about 4:45pm now. Off with the pack for both of us, Jason put his in the trunk of the car and I had to put mine back on.....with some lederhosen I would probably have been yodeling ;) They have some strategic rocks to put packs on by the parking lot to make it easier to lift the pack off the ground.
Jason's mission was to charge my Iphone and try to see if there were any good camping spots along route 2. He went to Jefferson Motel and back with the beta and after 1/2 hour or so he came back to meet me. Thanked him for the awesome company and I was on my own. Tock tock tock tock from the trekking poles and vroom vrooom vroom from the cars driving by. The monotonous asphalt hiking is wearing you down pretty quick. Made it to the beginning of the long starigtaway where you can see the 115 intersection 1.5 miles down.....went on a tiny little road for a little bit with a creek next to it.....dry creek....no good....need a place with water for the night....back on to route 2.....neede to retie my right shoe but couldn't bend down, had to wait for next bridge railing to do it.

Continued along the straight-away tock tock tock vroom vroom etc. Saw this RV park on my right and thought, I should ask if they have tentsites. They did and they were only $23 with water and electricity and site was next to the showers :) And they were not coin-operated :D it was about 6:30 and I got the tent set up and communicated with the outside world a bit before taking the shower. Cooking dinner next. It was dark by now and was getting colder by the minute. Felt good to be inside the tent in a warm sleeping bag though. Added tabasco and olive oil to the chciken breasts and mashed potatoes (Mountainhouse). Heavenly it was......layed down a bit and next time it wa 11pm and I must have slept a bit. Up to loosen my legs a bit and then back to a more deep sleep.....

......however the alarm I didn't hear so I woke up at 6:07am and I planned to be on the road :D again by 6am........ice on the ground and the tent so had to pack a pretty soaked tents with me. Shaking off dew in sub-freezing temps doesn't work well. It took 2 hours to get going......not going into any details here. First Mtnpa stopped to say hello on his way to the Weeks then Juniper and Dave Metsky drove by and shouted something. A couple of unknown hikers stopped and asked me how to get to the Castle TH. A good bunch of hikers were meeting by the Castle TH including Darl58, JasonFerris, Gillian, Dr Wu and wife, Leaf, Juniper and Dave Metsky. very cool!

Anyone want to write from here ;)
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OK, I guess I'll continue.....

Joyful it was to hug a bunch of good hiking friends. Also got company from the couple who stopped me along route 2 to ask where the trail head in Bowman was located. The group now started hiking on the first flat part. The creek crossing went by without causulties.....soon thereafter by the trail junction I went to the creek to get more water......and the uphill started.....they let the slowest dude lead (which was me). Took breaks here and there and with this group it was a constant laughter. My first time on this trail and it was a beautiful day indeed. I was a bit quiet during the hike since there was not a whole lot of energy left for conversation. During the flatter section once up on the ridge I was able to speed up a little and crank out a couple of sentences ;)

Around 3,900 feet before the steeper ridge section started we took a break and a few pictures. Darlene, Dr Wu and wife, Dave Metsky, Juniper, Gillian, Jason and Leaf......joyful joyful was the day :) People have been hiking like this in the Whites for hundreds of years. I think all those gone before us might be smiling at us who hike here in these times. Enough of philosophy......the more rocky section soon started and the mountain goats Darlene and Leaf tried out harder variations than the trail supplied. For me the trail itself provided plenty. Once above the timberline the lingonberry patches showed up. Some locals in the northeast refers to them as mountain cranberries. They are however exactly the same as the lingonberries they sell at IKEA (imported from the land of Dancing Queen).

We passed a vertical mile and soon thereafter the pull off the summit took over. 2:43pm nr 3 was done......the pushups and then onto the next of the remaining 45.....I headed down ahead of the speed demons to Edmands Col. Lots of people out hiking today. Took a break at the col and filled up water. Dave metsky and Dr Wu bid farewell here and the rest of us continued up to T-storm junction where I dropped my pack and felt weightless jumping the rocks to the crown jewel of the Pressies.....nr 4 done and hugs on the summit....back to T-storm junction and got a head start again and by Madison Spring Hut (which was closed for the season) the crew caught up with me. The evening sun was still strong although in the shade the crispness of the fall was very much there. made our way up Madison and by 6:07pm we were there....summit shots and pushups and then down the other side....I had in my mind to do the Pine Link.....maybe not the best choice but so it was....

Coming down to the woods relatively fast.....but then there are many uphills on the way down.....many more than I remembered......started to feel a bit woosy and needed more frequent breaks. The sunset was beautiful and Juniper got some good shots of it. A bit after the last Pine Link junction we turned on the headlamps and continued down the steep rocky sections, the beautiful sections and the uphills. Feeling woosy is something i've experienced the last month since I had surgery and figured I might not be fully recvovered from it. Took a longer break at 3,600 feet and Leaf gave me some water since mine had run out. Started to feel that I might need to bail on this hike.....legs and feet were relatively fine but felt a bit weak and woosy in general. I told them my worries and we continued down another 1,000 vertical before another waterbreak.....and then another 1,000 to the road....it was great to see the road finally and start the last couple of miles towards BF.....Leaf took off and soon we heard some shouts.....the beverage crew came in the form of Dave Metsky and 7Summits and the party started.....10 minutes later skimom came driving and we took a left onto the campsites and the fire was going and there were many happy people gathered and in the distance some dogs were barking and it wasn't an easy decision to bail......but it felt it was the right thing to do......a couple of beers later and some good food and I went to bed relatively early. Donna tucked me in and told me I did the right thing......slept soundly after that.....

Next year I will go up Isreal Ridge to Jefferson and then down Daniel Webster Scout Trail. Maybe staying at Dolly Copp campground the 2nd night.....the 3rd night somewhere between Wildcats and Isolation.....then maybe Mizpah Spring or all the way to Ethan Pond......late August is probably the best time since still decently long days and the mosquitos and black flies are gone.

Thanks everyone for your support and well-wishes.........I practice bailing a lot as you can see ;)

Hope I put on a good show although kind of short.....

The adventure continues...... :)

Yes the adventure continues Mats.

I borrowed a book from the lakehouse because after thumbing through, reading the beginning of chapter 3 titled "The Facts of Life", I couldn't put it down. In this chapter was a paragraph that I could relate to immensely and I think you (and a lot of others) will agree, it read:

"As Suzuki Roshi put it, it is only by practicing through a continual succession of agreeable and disagreeable situations that we acquire true strength. To accept that pain is inherent and to live our lives from this understanding is to create the causes and conditions for happiness."

The name of the book is: The Places That Scare You (A Guide to Fearlessness in Dificult Times)
The author is: Pema Chodron

Keep at it Mats, we all love you.

.......Clothing, cooking stuff, repair kit, first aid, electronics, hygien, camera and porn magazines was another 14 lbs........

Cracked me up, Dude !

That pack sounds like a killer , though.
Was it that heavy when you did this before ?
"porn magazines was another 14 lbs........"

cant you just download that stuff to your phone? you could have saved about 6lbs from your pack weight.....