Out with the boys.


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Hollywood- to you they mayhave looked like dead gerbils. To the knowing eye they are snake chow.

Sli and Pete- can you tone it down with the cousine please? :mad: I am an ex chef in rebellion. My trail meals are pure sustinance. ie cous cous, pouch tuna, apples... My son both lurkes and posts on this site and lately he has been on my case to kick it up a few notches on our trips. Oh the pressure. :( How many fuel canisters does it take to make an Osso bucco with a portobella rissotto?
Hiking with Women Very Difficult...

At least with the VFTT babes!.

For example:

I almost killed myself try to keep pace with Skimom, Dawn and MEB on the Carters hike at the January Gathering. Then they wanted to throw in the Dome and Height at the end!

On Seema's 48th - After a very fast ascent up GlennCliff, Donna, Carm and girl friends ran me over on the way down. They didn't sweat and smelled really nice as they went by chattering about where to party that night.

Where all these ladies are concerned, I never worry about changing my behavior. I Just worry about keeping up!

Go girls!

Puck said:
Sli and Pete- can you tone it down with the cousine please? :mad: I am an ex chef in rebellion. My trail meals are pure sustinance. ie cous cous, pouch tuna, apples...

Well, if it makes you feel better, I only eat like that when I'm hiking with someone I want to impress. No need to impress myself, I know I'm full of sh*t anyway.

Puck said:
My son both lurkes and posts on this site and lately he has been on my case to kick it up a few notches on our trips.

Know what I did with my son when he complained about me always forgetting his lunch on hikes? I gave HIM the responsibility of doing meals. Shut him up pretty quick, and made it easier for me. Now, when hiking with my son, I don't have to worry about meals. I can just complain. (I don't have to impress my son either)
I was impressed ;)
I would have been more impressed if you had hauled the tortilla press in :eek: :eek: LOL. But hey, when I'm hauling 14 BOTTLES of beer, what's a 5 pound stainless steel tortilla press???? :D :D

After all, not everyone can say they almost had their eye poked out by lemongrass as they were hiking thru the Mahoosuc Notch :D

I like hiking with mixed company. Baxter was great this winter. We had the best conversations, as recalled by Seema in her trip report :D :D

We never did figure out if Frodo was in lean-to 5.6, or 7.8...did we? :rolleyes:

Soon to be pee and ski buddies :)
I wonder if there is an age thing going on here....

I'm in my early 40s. Most, but not all, of my overnight trips are with men. Lots of mixed gender day hikes. My general observations are:
1) Men tend to be more competitive in terms of physical goals (i.e. we tend to hike to *accomplish* something -- as if the mountain really cares?)
2) Women tend to worry more about their physical security (i.e. when the drunk guy with a Jack Daniels shirt ambles into Crag, the women take more notice than the guys -- and yes, it did happen)

That said, I had an interesting experience 2 years ago at Tuckerman Ravine. I went up there alone for some skiing and to watch the insanity that is Tucks. I was grabbing a bit on the porch at HoJo (and adjusting my knee brace -- 40 year old tend to do this...) and struck up a conversation with a mixed gender group of 20-somethings. They asked me how long I had been going up there (closing in on 20 years) and then they asked what the big differences were.

Beyond the obvious increases in snowboards, telewackers and crowds, I said it was the number of women. My wife played competitive sports all through high school and college. She was on the leading edge of title 9. It is so cool to see the next generation of women coming along who's expectations are so much higher.

Interesting thread.

I think you're on to something about age. I'm in my 40's and guys I got to the mountains with are mostly over 40. They're the ones that go a little wild when no women are around. I think we all need that time.
Nadine said:
But hey, when I'm hauling 14 BOTTLES of beer, what's a 5 pound stainless steel tortilla press???? :D :D

After all, not everyone can say they almost had their eye poked out by lemongrass as they were hiking thru the Mahoosuc Notch :D

Hey, I thought I had the beer, and you had the fresh vegetables going through the notch. You had the beer in Baxter... Maybe..... Maybe the beer makes on forget details.

And what can I say about the lemongrass. It just doesn'T pack too well, sticks out, and when going over/under/through those rocks... well, it's a dangerous weapon.


I'm a bit older than you... I'm approaching middle age (in my 50's), and when I'm on an all guy trip, I'm usually the youngest there. They seem to be just out for a hike. Maybe the goal thing is gone, because they've all done it when they were younger.
Pete, I hear you about the way that age mellows the competitive BS.

I had a chance to spend 3 days/2 nights at Crag last summer after a turmultuous job change (for the better). It was nice to be somewhere where BDTD applied to nearly every concievable "goal" in the area. Well, nearly all. Anyway, was very, very good to just be, with no one to impress or talk to and no thing to accomplish.

I think the word is "grace" and I'm definitely more attuned to it these days.
I've hiked with Angels, and will soon be hiking with devils. I've hiked with so many people that I don't know if I'm different with guys or women. I do flirt more with the women (Angels), but did kiss Bob when he handed me a beer after 6 days in BSP.

When guys get together, they talk about women. When women get together, they talk about women and hot guys. Apparently, no one is talking about me :eek: Personally, I like hiking with a mixed group: male, female, young and old, 2 legs and 4.
ChrisB said:
At least with the VFTT babes!.

For example:

I almost killed myself try to keep pace with Skimom, Dawn and MEB on the Carters hike at the January Gathering. Then they wanted to throw in the Dome and Height at the end!

On Seema's 48th - After a very fast ascent up GlennCliff, Donna, Carm and girl friends ran me over on the way down. They didn't sweat and smelled really nice as they went by chattering about where to party that night.

Where all these ladies are concerned, I never worry about changing my behavior. I Just worry about keeping up!

Go girls!


I'll second that one Chris.....the snow was melting before my very eyes....those girls were all hot hikers!!! :D :eek: :D
I prefer to stick to small groups, less than 4, and probably 85% of my trips have been just myself and one other. My partners over the past 27 years have been both male and female, and I've really never noticed much of a difference in dynamics. Except that my female friends tend to hog less of the tent space and bring better food to share!
Wel,I guess I'm in a minority. I have actually never done a backpacking or hiking trip without my backpackin' babe-Mrs KD. We have hiked with many different groups,done many trips with just the two of us. Can't say that I ever act differently with the guys or the women on a trip. To me they're just our friends on a trip.
I must say,however,that I find a woman with a sea kayak on the roof of her car,or snowshoes on her pack very attractive! :D
SherpaKroto said:
When guys get together, they talk about women. When women get together, they talk about women and hot guys. Apparently, no one is talking about me :eek:

Sure we talk about you Sherpa!
"Do you hike slower or faster than Sherpa?"
"Where is Sherpa/Sean with the hamburgers and beer?"
"I sure wish Sherpa was here to brighten my day!"
"Did you see those sexy Karhu Pavos Sherpa has.. aren't they pretty?"
"Let's go wake Sherpa up!" (said on a very cold morning in the Adirondacks)

-One of the Angels
and just because you are out with the boys doesn't mean you can talk about anything. For example if while on a hike I asked "So does the Honberg need jungle cock eyes when used on the upper Androscoggin?" How many guys tell me to shut up?