Possible Northern Lights Tonight


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It's cloudy here too...

However, I heard the aurora on my 6 meter (50MHz) radio this afternoon. It died down around dinner time, but appears to be back ~11pm and down again at 11:20pm. The aurora tends to be more intense during the day than at night, but of course one cannot see it.

Aurora shows up as a high background noise level. One can also bounce CW (Morse code) or SSB (single sideband voice) off it.

Bumped for March 09 event forecast

If you are lucky enough to have clear skies above you tonight, it might be some really good viewing (even with the moon light in the mix)

Forecast: Auroral activity will be high(+). Weather permitting, highly active auroral displays will be visible overhead from Inuvik, Yellowknife, Rankin and Igaluit to Vancouver, Helena, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Bay City, Toronto, Montpelier, and Charlottetown, and visible low on the horizon from Salem, Boise, Cheyenne, Lincoln, Indianapolis and Annapolis.

Here's the new Aurora Oval site:

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