Reddington Weather Tower collapse?

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There are at least three other ME 3k peaks where I have seen tower wreckage that has never been cleaned up or rebuilt. A very ugly sight for sure.
Wow - a bunch of questions. I'm sure this post will initiate more.

The tower measures wind speed and direction - it does not generate power. Wind varies year to year - up to 10% - so long term averages are necessary to predict accurate wind speed averages. That is why I can say with scientific certainty that the winds on top of Redington are very strong (way stronger than coastal winds). It is one of the windiest places on earth! Steve Clark claims otherwise - but I'd like him to show me the data that proves his position!

Redington and nearby Black Nubble are potential wind farm sites owned by Endless Energy - based in Yarmouth, ME. (the company I work for). Redington could fit 12 wind turbines and Black Nubble 18.

The Redington Windfarm is certainly a controversial project - with a majority of hikers supportive as to whether it is a good thing or not. The MATC leadership has been against the project, but many members are supportive. I usually only hear the negative side in the press.

I will briefly plug the project :) and say that it would provide 2% of Maine's total electricity needs with the 30 turbines. That would elminate over 600,000 pounds of pollution EVERY DAY.

I understand people's hesitancy to see wind turbines on a ridgeline - but I also understand the need to produce more of our energy from green sources like wind. Wind is our only *readily available* source of non-polluting energy. With oil at $60 a barrel, running out, and polluting the planet.. well you make up your own conclusions. I won’t even mention Iraq, China and India’s growing energy needs, or Natural Gas woes.

that's the end of my rant.....

WindFarmer said:
Redington and nearby Black Nubble are potential wind farm sites owned by Endless Energy - based in Yarmouth, ME. (the company I work for). Redington could fit 12 wind turbines and Black Nubble 18...............
The MATC leadership has been against the project, but many members are supportive.....-windFarmer

Hmmm..........Thanks but no thanks for your corporate plug. I can understand why the MATC is against the project, there are many negatives....

What you're proposing is a large scale industrial development right next to one of the nicest sections of the Appalachian Trail. The view from the trail is only one of many issues as this project would FOREVER and PERMANENTLY develop and industrialize this part of Maine. Frankly I don't believe the power generated is worth the cost of destroying one of the nicest areas of Maine and the Northeast with an industrial park in Caribou Valley.

I like wind farms but wouldn't want to see one placed inside or right next to Baxter State park either.
I have bushwacked the full lenghth of both the Redington Ridge and the Black Nubble Ridge a couple of times, long before the present tower was built, and the thought of 30 of these large structures on those ridges is very disturbing to me personally. As I stated earlier in this thread, Middle Redington is a beautiful open peak, wonderful views and a real sense of remoteness. Off of South Redington, there is the truly spectacular Redington Pond Falls. Plus, the negative effect on the views from the AT looking towards the Redington Ridge. Black Nubble, although very thickly vegetated, also conveys a very real sense of remoteness. Some tradeoffs are not worth doing, and this is one of them in my humble opinion. I fervently hope that this project never ever comes to fruition.
some links!

Thanks, DMS. I'm glad I'm not the only VFTTer who's disturbed by this. I've climbed the Maine 4,000 footers and bushwacked a bit in Caribou Valley, would much rather see logging, hiking, hunting and other traditional uses of Maine land continue in this beautiful area. I'm all for wind power, as a matter of fact let's make a law requiring wind turbines on top of all bridges and skyscrapers.

The location of this project is a terrible one IMHO. The company claims that these mountains are the best place for a wind farm...... Hmmm...... I think the bottom line is that the company owns Mt. Redington and wants to make a buck off of it.

Of course whatever studies they publicize will support the conclusion that Mt. Redington is the best all comes down to money, money, money. Here are some links that might give a more realistic perspective on the project as opposed to the corporate PR.
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Freddy, thanks for the site addresses. I think that this is a "fight" that is worth the effort. I also agree that wind power is a clean alternative power source, and even though these ridges may have the wind power needed, the aesthetic considerations are more important. BTW, if anyone is interested is visting the Middle and South Redington peaks, I would be happy to go with you. As the old saying goes, seeing is believing.
dms - - I just might take you up on that offer. I've been wanting to get up there for some time now.
DMS said:
BTW, if anyone is interested is visting the Middle and South Redington peaks, I would be happy to go with you. As the old saying goes, seeing is believing.
vegematic said:
dms - - I just might take you up on that offer. I've been wanting to get up there for some time now.
DMS, Vegematic:
Me too.
WindFarmer - I deleted the link to your website. Commercial links are not allowed on this site.

As for the proposed windfarm, I am very opposed to the plan and I think you will end up realizing that contrary to what you posted most hikers here will be against it too.

- darren
Vegematic and Papa Bear send me a pm and we can plan a trip to visit Middle Redington. I am looking forward to it.
weatherman said:
understand the need for renewable energy, but I think we'll agree to disagree on this location.

I should have stated that.

Thanks, weatherman.

- darren

I'm dissapointed you allow the negative links - but delete any positive ones.

Regardless, the project details are out there, those interested can find them (link deleted or not). I urge everyone to compare contrasting views.

We could banter forever... but I've got a tower to clean-up and reinstall.


PS - One of the best views is from an old meterological tower site just south / below Redington Summit.

PPS - Don't wander onto the next door Navy SERE school. They shoot first and ask questions later. :) South of Middle Redington falls into their territory - just below the summit.
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WindFarmer said:
I'm dissapointed you allow the negative links - but delete any positive ones.

Negative and positive are both relative terms.

The rule is that you can not post a link to your own commercial website, meaning no advertising. The links that remain above are .org so they can stay.

- darren
WindFarmer, you mention in your post that Middle Redington once had a tower on it, do you know when that was? I was there in 1985, and 1986 and I never saw any signs of a tower on that peak. BTW, I have been asked to leave the Navy base while I was trying to do Potato Nubble, the Navy folks were friendly and never once shot at me!

When you say "middle Redington" - I assume you mean the peak directly south of the main summit? (I mistakenly called that the western ridge in my last post.) I should have looked at the map first. You were right in calling it Middle Redington - never thought of it that way.

We made (or improved) a trail from the summit to Middle Redington. The met towers and trail were put in around 95'. The towers are gone, but the cuts somewhat remain (trees grow fast). Last year there were great views from the old site south and below the summit.

I was *somewhat* joking about the Navy. They do conduct very real training exercises out there though - just south of middle Redington. Don't descend south of the Middle Redington summit. That is Navy property. I often hear gunfire and ambulance sirens over there. Strange training. They don't like trespassers.
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