I've sent in my comments as follows:
I am a hiker, AMC hike leader, and cross-country skier. I am not in favor of these bridges being eliminated. If they are not safe, they should be replaced. Whether or not the structure of a bridge confirms with the plans now in place, they are important elements and were in place before current thinking. People do use them and want that freedom of access to continue, from what I’ve been hearing in conversations.
When I’m feeling sarcastic, I wonder if your organization is just thinking about what it can “do” next rather than preserve and protect. Sometimes in my office or home I move furniture around for just that reason. Something to do.
The land has seen use for decades. The use it is seeing now is better than the early days and I’m extremely grateful for that. Please let the use continue by keeping the waterways passable.
Personally, I am more sensitive to and “in touch” with Mother Nature because I’ve experienced the beauty, wildness, chaos, patterns, smells, sounds of that association.