Sapblatt's 48th - 10/8 - Mount Jackson

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RAIN - RAIN - RAIN !!!!!!

Preliminary forecast for Saturday does not look great. 54 degrees and 40 % chance of rain. I cannot postpone this one, and even if I could, Sunday's forecast looks even bleaker. If this is the reality I will be going up the quick and easy route from Crawford. Hope you all can make it still...stay tuned!
54 percent chance leaves 48 percent chance not. Think positive Mike. It's still a long way off. Besides you have all these great folks thinking positive for you!
Hi Mike,
WHOO HOO! I will definately be there rain or shine. :)
Will there be birthday cake involved? Hiking is all about the food isn't it?
Can't wait to meet up with you finally and congratulate you in person for motivating me to try to finish up. 34 down, 14 to go. I've got Jackson, but it will be nice to see it without snow for once. :rolleyes:
congrats in advance!! i will not be able to make it to help you celebrate! have fun, rain or sun. :cool:
Congrats in advance. Looks like there will be a nice crowd joining you. I hope the weather stays decent for you. I haven't been up to NH since I finished the 48, too much going on at work. And this is my favorite time of the year!!! Good luck.
I won't be able to make it. I'm heading down to NYC this weekend. A huge congrats in advance though! Hope you guys have a grand ole time. :D
Update for my 48th –

Thank you to all who are planning on coming along for my 48th on Jackson this Saturday, and also a big thank you to all of those who have sent well wishes on my hopefully soon to be completed goal. I am so looking forward to sharing this experience with so many of my hiking friends. :)

First and foremost – weather be damned – we are hiking up Edmand’s Path…its only water and wind! Doing the quick route of 5.2 miles round trip seems too anticlimactic for me for number 48! :p

I am planning on meeting anyone who wants to do the Edmand’s Path, Ike, Pierce to Jackson route near Crawford Depot at 6:30AM. I will be traveling with mtnpa and plan on meeting MEB and Tuco as well. We will probably shuttle a car down to the Webster Cliff and then be on to Edmand’s Path. Hope to be hiking by 7-7:30. Anyone who wants to do this route should meet at Crawford Depot.

This route is about 10 miles to Jackson and then either 2.6 or 4.7 down depending upon the route chosen (weather and weariness will play a factor here.) Elevation gain for the hike is about 3700 feet, but 2900 feet are in the first 3.3 miles up to Ike on a nicely graded path. I would anticipate being on Jackson sometime between 1 and 2PM. Others are more than welcome to meet at the summit via any trail or bushwhack you see fit!

Drinks and revelry at Mooseland after a safe descent. :)
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sapblatt said:
First and foremost – weather be damned – we are hiking up Edmand’s Path…its only water and wind

I'm looking forward to the trip report. :D
I think I am in for the Ike/Pierce/Jackson loop, but unsure of the plan. Where should I be when to meet up with people? I would be happy to do a car spot, but I can only fit one other person in the car... ;)
Thanks for including Ike in the plan, that will knock one more off my list. :rolleyes:
See you all on Saturday.

Dawn -

I have never been there (what kind of hiker am I, anmyways?) but from what I understand Mooseland is near the junctions of 3 and 302 in Twin Mountain - on route 302.

Hope you can make it!! :)

Mooseland Grill
330 Route 302 Whitefield, NH 03598 Phone: (603) 846-0006
Wish we could join ya for the trip but my buddy is getting hitched that weekend...Best of luck to you on your 48th. You picked a good one :)
hikethe115 said:
Where is Mooseland?

Just south (east?) of the Rt. 3/Rt. 302 intersection, on the Pemi side of the road (as opposed to the Prezzies side). It's pretty good, and the people are very nice. Kept the grill open for us last March after Skimom's 48th death march on Carrigain, even though it was after closing time for the restaurant (10 p.m.).

"Drive? We can walk there. It's not far! :D :rolleyes:
I will attempt to make it, but will plan on starting at the Edmands Path at 8am as part of the "late" contingent. :D If someone wants to car-spot w/ me & leave their car at the Crawford Path parking lot, let me know.
May skip the summit of Eisenhower depending on weather. Am interested in the easy way back from Jackson (Webster/Jackson trail?), will skip Webster and Webster Cliffs. I have to be back on the road by about 4:30pm though.