Sarah's 48th - Surprise idea

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Dec 29, 2004
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Malden, MA

I know a lot of us here have been following Sarah's journey on the 48, mostly through Sherpa John's posts, but some of us have been lucky enough to meet her on the trail. She's not only a great person but inspirational in her determination to overcome difficulty. She can even put up with Sherpa John, so we know she's got the patience of an angel to boot.

I was thinking that we could perhaps get a few people to pledge some money for diabetes research to commemorate her accomplishment. This would hopefully be kept a secret and announced to her atop Moosilauke. I'm told she does not frequently read this board.

Naturally there is no requirement to do so, but I'd like the honor of being the first to pledge $48 to the effort. If you are able, please pledge even a small donation, we can process the tax deductible donation through the Team Sherpa website once she completes at

Anyone with me?
I log online after a few hours running in the rain and I see this. :eek: Thanks a million McRat for the nice gesture. I'm sure Sarah will love it and no.. she doesn't really frequent views like most of us.

Sarah found out she was a type 1 diabetic when she was 7 years old. Words cannot describe how inspirational and motivatonal she truly is. I know I would appreciate ay assistance you folks can give in finding a cure.

Thanks again McRat and thanks in advance to everyone else who helps out!

My (Bob) father was a diabetic and died from complications so supporting the ADA has always been important to us. Partly due to this, Sarah holds a special place in our hearts. Her accomplishments are just that much more difficult than for most of us.

We think McRat's idea is a wonderful one that we will be doing as well and hope everyone else here will as well. If each of the 2000 registered VFTT members only gave $1 ........

For those of you that haven't met John and Sarah please do not let any negative impression you may have of John from his posts here keep you from supporting this cause and this wonderful young lady. Come out on the 11th and meet them in person. Take away the silliness that John is famous for and you will find a young couple that is deeply in love, very motivated, and a true inspiration.

See you on the 11th!
Negative impression.......John.....surely you jest :D :p .
My Uncle also happens to be a diabetic (albeit not a type 1). Ill be glad to slide as small donation on over to Sherpa. Ill give it to him when (hopefuly) the rain lifts and we scoot up Uncanoonuc for a nice sunset hike!
We've never met John or Sarah but we certainly have been following their adventures. Count us in on a donation to a very worthy cause in celebration of Sarah's 48th.

You go girl !

John & June
Happy to have just done my bit :)

Ordered a DVD. Do I get a prize for being the only one on VFTT who had yet to a) see it or b) buy it?

Followed that with a donation. Hell, if I can buy a $55 Star Trek shirt to hike in I can make a donation :D

Go Sarah!

I've never seen it nor ordered it either.
That's okay. Some people saw it, liked it, bought it, bought a few more for family and friends, and spread the word around their place of business so that like-minded co-workers could see it, buy it, etc...

McRat, that was a thoughtful post.

bobandgeri, you said it all.

I've been looking forward to this hike for months and will contribute what I can.

2 Weeks to go and 2 Peaks to go! Looks to be 86 this coming Saturday as Sarah will take it to Carrigain #47.

Here are Directions to the after party:

From I-93 or 3 (it's all in the same in Franconia Notch) get off of Parkway Exit 34B. If coming from the south, take a left at the end of the off ramp and go UNDER the overpass. If coming from the north, take a right at the end of the off ramp.

Then take a left as if you were going to head over to the Old Man of the Mountains Historical Site and Museum (old viewing center). JUST as you start heading that way there is a small field on the left directly across from the Cannon Mountain Tramway Parking Lots. This little field is called Profile Field. The BBQ will be in there.

Again: Please bring whatever for you and perhaps some to share if you don't mind the trouble. THANKS!
I bought a NH48 DVD at Steve Smith's Mountain Wanderer Book and Map Shop in Lincoln, NH, a while ago, but just got around to viewing it last week. A fine videography, especially if this is SJ's first film effort. I am sending another copy to a hiking/skiing friend whose youngest daughter was diagnosed with diabetes at about the same age as Sarah, who I am sure will be an inspiration to their entire family.

The outdoor bbq at Cannon is scheduled for after Moose, and not Carrigain, right?
Correct... BBQ June 11th.. after Sarah's final peak.. the Moose.
Well, it looks like Sarah is on track to finish her NH48 this Saturday. I wish I could make it in person, but it looks like I'll have to mail a check instead.

Glad to see others who intend to honor Sarah's accomplishment and help towards finding a cure for diabetes. Thanks.