I planned to finish on Carrigain, but the lure of an open road on 12/14 was too great, so I did it then. Garfield was my 48th, with my daughter, making it a very memorable trip. A wonderful, though cloudy day. MY pictures mostly did not come out
. I was surprised by a friend of a friend that I had not met before who knew I'd be there.
For my 67th, I casually mentioned to Michelle that I had 17, and she had 21 left and if she got her act in gear we could finish on North Brother later that year (and did she ever! She's left me in her dust!). We surprised ourselves by finishing up in time, but were even more surprised when Carole, Richard and Chomp mentioned that they were also finishing! That was a memorable trip, and one of my most cherished peaks.
For a memorable 100th, I finished on Sandwich. I'm kind of a social person (understatement), so I mentioned it to some of my hiking friends. I am still humbled by the turnout (we took separate trails, none more than 10). We spent a wonderful 18 degree day on Sandwich summit replete with cake, pb&j bagels, champagne, and the best friends a guy could want.
Carrigain would be awesome, but believe me, it won't be the end! The walk across Signal Ridge is one of the best.