Sadly it looks as if Sherpa Snowshoes is definitely out of business. Their website is down and the only link I could find for them was on a sport shops website selling 1 model of Sherpa snowshoes with the disclaimer "Sherpa snowshoes is no longer in business, and there is no warranty service available from the company". Which means for those of us who still use Sherpas (myself included), we will most likely be out of luck if they do break. Although there are numerous companies and models of shoes in the market, and I have tried a few, I always liked my Sherpas the best - and their warranty department was exceptional. Just this past weekend, A friend of mine who fills in at a local ski shop that sells (sold) Sherpas, was recommending them to another friend as the snowshoe with the best warranty in the business. He recounted a story of a local hiker who after hiking for the day during a snow storm, couldn't get enough traction to get out of the parking lot, so he used his Sherpas as traction devices under the wheels of his vehicle to get out. (crampon side down I'm assuming) The man sent them back to Sherpa explaining the story, but asking to pay Sherpa, to get them fixed. Sherpa refused his offer and sent him a replacement pair for free.... Anyway, I'm sorry to see them go.