Sign of the times - arrest

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2004
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Eastern Connecticut Avata
Don't screw up in CT. We apparently take this stuff seriously. :D

NEW HAVEN, CT. (AP) - Firefighters rescued a woman who got stuck trying to climb a hill in a city park Wednesday and police promptly arrested her.

The woman, whom firefighters did not immediately identify, was climbing East Rock, Fire Chief Michael Grant said. She called 911 from her cell phone.

"Every spring and every fall we always take someone off either East Rock or West Rock," Grant said. "They hike or do whatever they do and they get stuck."

Firefighters rappelled down the side of the hill, which is 359 feet high at its peak, and rescued the woman, who was 37.

"It was a good rescue," Grant said.

Nobody was injured, but police spokesman Bonnie Winchester said the woman was charged with endangering the four firefighters who rescued her. She was also charged with violating an ordinance prohibiting people from climbing the hill.
Yeah, I saw this on the news--CNN, I think. It looked like she was trying to solo a pretty vertical face. Lynn Hill she ain't!
SAR-EMT40 said:
Don't screw up in CT. We apparently take this stuff seriously. :D

I'm familiar with east rock and west rock, they aren't exactly the Gunks. There's an excellent chance she was doped and just wandered into the woods by the base of the cliff. The roads up on west rock have been closed for years because of all the partying and worse. we used to skate board it when I was in school down there, like our own private "ski" slope.
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I saw her on the news too. She wasn't doped. She had gear and all. She apparently overstepped her ability. They showed the rescuers hauling her up to the top.
I saw the video on the Channel 7 news this morning. She was definitely geared for this climb, I think she just got in over her head and froze. Once they pulled her up to the top, they just rolled her onto an orange blanket, which looked a little rough, but then again they were just trying to get her out of danger.

Last thing in the report was that they promply arrested her... :eek:
Chip said:
fare enough. I did not see the report. Sadly there are some decent cliffs within 45 minutes of there.

hey now! ragged mtn is more than decent!!! :D :D

there are actually some great climbs on those cliffs, even some multi-pitch routes. and also, everyone knows its illegal to climb there. if she had gear and was climbing....she most definitely knew better and has only made it harder for everyone working to create more access in CT at areas currently closed to climbing. :mad:
Tuggy said:
I saw her on the news too. She wasn't doped. She had gear and all. She apparently overstepped her ability. They showed the rescuers hauling her up to the top.

I saw the video from the chopper and I didn't see any gear. She had sneakers and a knit cap for her "gear" as far as I could tell. She was free climbing a vertical cliff with rotten rock. At least that was what I see in the video.

WTNH website with video

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SAR-EMT40 said:

I saw the video from the chopper and I didn't see any gear. She had sneakers and a knit cap for her "gear" as far as I could tell. She was free climbing a vertical cliff with rotten rock. At least that was what I see in the video.

WTNH website with video


I see EXACTLY what youre saying..she definately didnt have least not equipment for that climb. One wrong move she was certianly a goner...

From the video - seems she knew what she was doing - just got caught in a bad place. Can't fault her for trying!! - and she seemed to have a good attitude about it.

This is odd: charged with endangering the firefighters? This society is gone crazy. I can understand the tresspassing charge.

from being a fit women - she is saving the taxpayers money by not getting diabetes and cardio problems at age 40 like half this country!!
giggy said:
From the video - seems she knew what she was doing - just got caught in a bad place. Can't fault her for trying!! - and she seemed to have a good attitude about it.

Unless I’m missing something, the video shows her clinging to a small tree looking frightened. The second part of the video shows her being pulled up by the rescuers after placing her in a harness. I do not see any evidence that she had a clue what she was doing. I see climbers at Sleeping Giant all the time and they definitely know what they are doing. I’m sorry, she didn’t.

Charging someone with endangering the rescuers is a catch all charge. If they were pissed for having to save your ass, they add that charge.
I don't think that they should have arrested her, i think her punishment should have been that they leave her out on the cliffs. If she was smart enough to get up there, she should be smart enough to get down. From watching the video, i believe they said that she called for help from her cell phone. I'm all for rescues of people trapped in storms or cats stuck in trees, but i'm getting sick of seeing people being rescued because they have cell phone hubris. Don't do stupid stuff and assume help is just a call away.
They shouldn't bring charges against her, but they should make her pay for the cost of the rescue. Going up a face like that with no gear (except for the trusty cell phone) is irresponsible. If you want to do things like that, which are clearly illegal and dangerous and risky - fine, don't call for help. Don't involve other people in your extreme activities. Normally, I am not so harsh on someone that gets into trouble, but this woman was not naive. She calimed to have climbed there all the time - this was just the first time that she ran into trouble. I hope they fine her several thousand dollars.
well......the video was too fuzzy to make out what she was wearing at home on my mac :confused:

and i can't get it to play here at work...only that commercial :confused: :confused:

i'll take everyone's word she wasn't geared up, just someone who made some bad decisions...really bad decisions. glad no one was hurt.
there also seems to be a death there every other year or so. Either by someone climbing up or a suicide.
Puck said:
there also seems to be a death there every other year or so. Either by someone climbing up or a suicide.

Probably one of the reasons its illegal to "climb" there...

MadRiver said:
Unless I’m missing something, the video shows her clinging to a small tree looking frightened. The second part of the video shows her being pulled up by the rescuers after placing her in a harness. I do not see any evidence that she had a clue what she was doing. I see climbers at Sleeping Giant all the time and they definitely know what they are doing. I’m sorry, she didn’t.

Charging someone with endangering the rescuers is a catch all charge. If they were pissed for having to save your ass, they add that charge.

let me clarify - her attitude seemed that way - she said she had done it a few times and she got caught in a bad place - I will give her the benefit of a doubt. she was solo - so I don't see why she would have a harness and rope, etc....
West Rock has a long history of people pushing the envelope of proper behavior, be it drinking, fighting, debauchery, or rock climbing. As a result, the authorities tend to come down hard on violators. The New Haven Register also reiterated the fact that she wasn’t wearing any climbing gear. The authorities also sent her for a psych evaluation.
What an idiot.

She was NOT equipped. What climber in their right mind would tackle a new route on that wall with sneakers and no chalk?!! She says that she had climbed that rock in different places before... yeah, maybe a few feet of bouldering, but I seriously doubt she's a free solo climber pushing her limits or a climber at all for that matter. No rock shoes, no chalk? I'm sure she's done some tree climbing and scrambling in the past, but I hope people don't really look at her and think that she's a representation of real climbers.
Sure... she climbs :rolleyes: