Tabasco - Multi-tool in the Mountains

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Mats Roing said:
Not sure how damage can be done if a plastic tabasco bottle hits a rock.....there are probably other things which can spill other than are probably talking a glass bottle......if you are smart enough to hang the food in a tree you probably don't bring glass bottles in the first place..... ;)

Yah, it was glass. I'm kinda dumb like that. Lesson learned. Now, I would never do that, which is why I carry these.
trailbiscuit said:
Yah, it was glass. I'm kinda dumb like that. Lesson learned. Now, I would never do that, which is why I carry these.

PS.....I actually brought a glass bottle to Denali ;) Thought it was safe from rocks since we actually dug down our food caches in the snow since we couldn't find any tree........

It must suck to be a male dog on Denali....... :D
Mats Roing said:
That confirms the theory that Bear Spray can double as hot sauce out in the woods.....standard U.S. Grade Pepper Spray have a Scoville rating of 2,000,000–5,300,000 it looks like........hang up a dozen tortillas on a tree 20 feet away and give it a good spray......try to keep it less than 1/2 second since you only have about 8 seconds worth in a can......and you might need it when the bears are coming to participate in the tasty tortilla party :D
In fact, diluted bear spray is reported to attract bears. (Novel smells.) You want full-strength in the face to deter them.

So don't spray it around your tent before hitting the sack...

MichaelJ said:
It's easy to buy those mini Tabasco bottles that are a part of MREs.

You can get them a little cheaper on E-Bay also.....military surplus stores usually carry them as well.....or just pour some form the big kahuna bottle in the fridge to one of those small plastic ones they sell at REI etc.

Don't forget to bring olive oil and flaxseed oil ;) When you chug a mouth of any of those oils it gives a signal to the body that there is incoming fat so the fat burning process gets off the leash and speeds up.....also good to mix with freeze-dried :)

Nuf for today from the Swedish Chef :D
Mats Roing said:
"I have heard that bear spray actually attracts bears? Who would want to use something that does that?"

I would ;) Except I guess it would qualify as feeding, which is a no-no.

I've gone beyond mild sauces, which I can eat by the spoonful. I'm now into habenero sauces. Does that have capsaicin?
As a prehike and/or posthike shopping destination Zeb's in North Conway has an excellent "HOT" selection. The above URL is just a small sample of their in store selection. Also a candy eater's paridise.