The bird picture thread

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It is hard to tell from the photo but is there a 'dome' over the nest and your angle is looking in through the side?

It is not a veery or hermit thrush..the eggs in that family are blue.

It is not a ruffed grouse or a whip poo r will....the chick are covered with down and running around after hatching (Precotial) The chick in the picture is nude and helpless (allatrical)
Puck said:
It is hard to tell from the photo but is there a 'dome' over the nest and your angle is looking in through the side?

It is not a veery or hermit thrush..the eggs in that family are blue.

It is not a ruffed grouse or a whip poo r will....the chick are covered with down and running around after hatching (Precotial) The chick in the picture is nude and helpless (allatrical)
Yes my shot is somewhat from the side that is why it is hard to get a full nest pic. The bird seen leaving the nest each time is not much bigger than a chickadee and the second time it ran along the ground instead of flying off. I hope to get more pictures before they leave the nest but am pretty sure they are ovenbirds.
Great find Carole. These guys can be hard to find.

So what have you named the chicks?
From the Davis Path

Talk to the Butt (Spruce Grouse)
Ovenbirds are now about 4 days old. They're getting fuzzy. :) You can still make out one yellow beak at the bottom center of nest.
(I had to take a quick picture today as a woman and dog where near and I didn't want the dog sniffing around. :( )

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imarchant said:
I have seen this bird in my yard a couple of times. It is quite large, a little bigger than a pigeon. I have not seen it fly. It struts around, I can get quite close to it 20-30 feet.
It looks like a male spruce grouse.
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imarchant said:
I have seen this bird in my yard a couple of times. It is quite large, a little bigger than a pigeon. I have not seen it fly. It struts around, I can get quite close to it 20-30 feet. I'll try to get some better pictures.


It is a western bird that gets raised in captivity in the east. Yours most likely is an escaped bird.

may I suggest roasting and served with a frambois sauce, wild rice pilaf and fiddle heads in a beurre blanc....

Oh come'on J.J. audubon himself wrote about eating ivory billed woodpeckers.
Puck said:

It is a western bird that gets raised in captivity in the east. Yours most likely is an escaped bird.

may I suggest roasting and served with a frambois sauce, wild rice pilaf and fiddle heads in a beurre blanc....

Oh come'on J.J. audubon himself wrote about eating ivory billed woodpeckers.
Yup, I think Puck's right. I noticed his link includes a reference to Kern County, which is where I live now. You see lots of them in the fall in washes/ravines as you descend the mountains. Mostly they motor around on the ground, but occasionally fly.

And yes, spotted owl jokes are rather common out here ...
Puck said:

It is a western bird that gets raised in captivity in the east. Yours most likely is an escaped bird.

may I suggest roasting and served with a frambois sauce, wild rice pilaf and fiddle heads in a beurre blanc....

Oh come'on J.J. audubon himself wrote about eating ivory billed woodpeckers.

That is definitely what it is. No wonder I didn't recognize it.
Certainly not one of my best shots, but I saw this bird on the trail. Anyone want to take a shot at what it is?


- darren
Early Bird said:
Red Billed Leiothrix

Wow! She is fast on the buzzer.

I'll take birds of Molokai for $500 Alex.
Ovenbirds at 7 days (my larger picture you can see their eyes)

Looks like my day count was correct because at 11 days the nest is empty. :(

I didn't disturb the nest as perhaps they'll reuse it? They may have more than one brood a year but I don't know if they reuse the nest.

Interestingly we are on our second brood of phoebes in the same nest this year.
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