The bird picture thread

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Is it a bird? Is it a flower?

Pretty enough to be either but it's a moth (luna moth).
Came for a visit last night.
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Ok I'm redundant but here it goes :


The bird in question is still there 1 year after :eek:
Today's visitors (we counted 11 little ones):

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That's a great luna moth picture. A couple years ago, T-max and I saw one of those things nestled in a crack on the very top of Haystack-weird.

Anyway, I have no bird pics, but while we've got the attention of all the birders on this thread, yesterday in the Catskills, I shot a short clip:

The entire reason I did this was to try to capture what I was hearing; there is nothing worth seeing in the clip and the video is lousy anyway, since that's not the point.

The sound is at least audible, so if any of the good ear-birders want to check it out and tell me what they think that would be great. I am pretty lousy with birding by ear.

The clip was shot on a trail in hemlock/hardwood forest at about 2000', looking in the direction of a brook. At one point during the clip, something large can be heard as it flies past above the brook.

Bird sounds

Unmistakable sound of the Ovenbird. "Teacher, teacher, teacher."

The loud "gronk" is none other than a Great Blue Heron.

Kevin said:
Unmistakable sound of the Ovenbird. "Teacher, teacher, teacher."

The loud "gronk" is none other than a Great Blue Heron.


Thanks. Thought that was a heron since although I couldn't see it well through the trees, I could get a sense of how big it was and the speed at which it was moving.

The Ovenbird I wouldn't have known; I really need to work on my ear for birding. One species at a time I suppose.

Kevin said:
Unmistakable sound of the Ovenbird. "Teacher, teacher, teacher."

The loud "gronk" is none other than a Great Blue Heron.

Thank you, also. I wanted to say Ovenbird but hoped someone would before me :eek: . Learning the sounds is a 'work in progress' for me.
Cecropia Moth

I found these cecropia moth wings on the trail to the Spruce Mountain fire tower in Plainfield, VT this weekend. Any idea what would eat a 5" moth? At least I'm guessing something ate it......

Also saw this "bird" in a tree at the looked like he'd been there at least
since the last rain......first time I've ever seen this species on a mountain!:cool:

Jason Berard said:
I found these cecropia moth wings on the trail to the Spruce Mountain fire tower in Plainfield, VT this weekend. Any idea what would eat a 5" moth? At least I'm guessing something ate it......

Perhaps a Whip-o-will.
A couple from the garden...

Took these in my garden.


American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis.

And this morning...


Gray Catbird Dumetella carolinensis.


Here's one of the newest additions to the Squam River wildlife!

We have also seen two broods of 8-9 Common Mergansers and a pile of fluffy Black Duck ducklings.

I was off trail in search of cellar holes and came across this nest. It's about 6" - 8" across.

It was over my head so I couldn't see in so I just put my camera over it and when I downloaded it I noticed that babies are perhaps in there. Any clues?
I heart this thread! :D

And have nothing of any value to add.

But for some reason Carole, I can't see most of your pics except the one's in the last page. ??
I've seen Bicknell's Thrush on Caps Ridge Trail...


I got a few great close-up looks at some on Beaver Brook Trail, but could not get a shot as they would fly away before I could focus and shoot.

Then there was a family of them on the Skookumchuck. I think this is a youngster because it was not flying around as fast as an adult was...


All three sightings were close to treeline, and I never heard the beautiful song, just the call which I now remember as being similar to a tree frog chirp.

happy trails :)
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