Trailwork Day on Mt. Cube before December

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Jason Berard

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
N. Thetford, VT Avatar: Cabot, winter 2011
Hey all,
In response to the trailwork thread, Hillwalker has suggested that we do a trailwork day on the AT from 25A to Mt. Cube summit. This section is currently without an adopter, and could use a day of tlc. Tasks would be clearing waterbars, blazing, and brushing. Any number of folks would work, but blazing goes best with two people, brushing could use a couple, and waterbars could also use a couple folks. The more the merrier! Tom and/or I could be the "trail crew boss" for the day. Depending on timing, maybe we could make this a gathering as well! :cool:
We would of course also provide all tools.

I cleaned the waterbars on my trail (Webster Cliff) on Saturday and they were full enough though I cleaned them two weeks earlier. Let me know the day you want to do it and I will help. I have my own tools except for a Hazel hoe, which I only use during the first trip of the year and then I use a rake after that. My wife and I were thinking of hiking Mt. Cube this coming weekend, so a work party would work out well.

I will immediately put up a poll to see which day will be most popular. Looking at next week? Poll is located on Q & A.

Both Jason and I are authorized maintainers for the AT. I will bring the necessary forms for the USFS/NPS Volunteers in Forests liability and insurance coverage. Participants must be over eighteen and wear provided Personal Protection Equipment. This volunteer work will take place on National Park Service owned Appalachian Scenic Trail lands.
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Work to be done

From what I recall from my last trip up there most of the needed level 1 stuff will be using hoes, rakes, hazel hoes and such to clean leaves and dirt out of the numerous waterbars and associated drainage. Except for close to the top, brushing is pretty minimal. There were no major blowdowns on my last trip. I have two metal templates for White Blaze renewals, but those people painting will find it pretty messy. We will provide rubber gloves, paint and brushes for whoever does the paint blazing. The location for the post worktrip feast (hopefully), is located only ten minutes away from the trailhead. I envision this being about a four to five hour project if we get a decent turnout.

Apres arbeit eating et. al. Will be pot luck.
I will help if it is on a day when I am available. That would appear to be Nov 13, 14 or 15th of the days in your pole
I could help also, but it needs to be during the week because I have school on the weekends. My schedule varies so it would be easier for me to determine if I could meet a date than propose one.

Please let me know.

Thanks. Hanna
Sign ups

Unless we get another couple of people for Sunday, November 9th. I will be adding myself to the Friday, November 14th work group and canceling the trip for Sunday. Right now due to injuries there are only two of us signed up for Sunday. Decision will be made by Saturday AM. plan is this...

We will meet at the Junction of 25A and Quintown Rd. in Orford at 9am on Friday November 14th. We will likely be working on the AT over Smarts instead of Cube. Thank you all for volunteering! It should be a fun day in the woods! Bring work gloves if you need 'em. Is anyone interested in a pot luck after? There aren't really any restaurants nearby.....I can bring homebrew..... a not-so-pale ale, and Chocolate Chipotle Stout.:eek:

Hi Jason and All,

Sorry to not reply sooner. Unfortunately I have my MBA classes on Friday, so I will be unable to participate this time.

Have a good day!

I'm still in. Don't think I can swing the potluck though, will have to get back home in time for an evening event.
It's still a go

Looks like it may be a bit wet, but I've worked on that trail in the rain before and it's pretty forgiving terrain and a very mellow trail.
Griff's out

Griff had to cancel due to an unexpected job interview. Hey, a job possibility means a lot. More power to him.

How many are we down to now?
No not Cube

Question, did you do the trail work on Cube?

Actually we did Smart's Mtn. The five miles from Jacob's Brook parking to the Fire tower.

Trail was full of water and deep mud.

Cube was done gratis by the adopter of the AT section from Cape Moonshine Rd to Rte 25C so we skipped over to Smart's.
right....what he said!:eek:

It was a great day in the woods. I hadn't been up that side of Smart's in a long time....Its got one of the prettiest sections of spruce/fir forest I've ever seen. A stand of mature trees with an understory of 18" high spruce/fir like a big sprucey shag carpet!:D
Sorry I missed out. However, keep me in the loop for the next trip. I saw the orthopedist and he just recommended that I take a few Advil before and after and ice it up if it swells.

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