USFS Gale River Loop Road is Open

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Dr. Dasypodidae said:
Woo hoo! This is good news; thanks for the info. Now, if we can get some of the high water subside in those swollen streams.

Just because the gates at the ends are open at one particular moment doesn't mean one can drive between them or to the trailheads. Last winter I was able to drive almost all the way up to the Garfield Tr head on a thin layer of snow. The road was open for logging, not public use... I still had to park at the lot by Rte 3.

DougPaul said:
Just because the gates at the ends are open at one particular moment doesn't mean one can drive between them or to the trailheads. Last winter I was able to drive almost all the way up to the Garfield Tr head on a thin layer of snow. The road was open for logging, not public use... I still had to park at the lot by Rte 3.

I walked on the road about 10 days ago and it was dry and solid. All the frost seemed to have gone away as far as I could tell and there was no snow to be seen. The parking area (for Galehead at least) was completely clear.

I'm not speculating if it should have been opened last week but it seemed ok to me.

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
I walked on the road about 10 days ago and it was dry and solid. All the frost seemed to have gone away as far as I could tell and there was no snow to be seen. The parking area (for Galehead at least) was completely clear.

I'm not speculating if it should have been opened last week but it seemed ok to me.

Sounds optomistic. Drive into the parking lot and go hiking. If they lock you in, I guess it isn't open for public use yet. :)

In large bureaucratic organizations, the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing, so don't blame me, but yesterday, the day I eyeballed the open gates, the USFS also posted the Gale River Loop Road as open. Please remember that in the past these status reports have not always been accurate, which is why I think that Mohamed likes to get an eyewitness verification.
Great to hear the road is open, but PJack, NOTHING up here is dry! :D