VFTT Spring Ski Gathering 1.0


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Count me in also, though I will not be camping this time (most likely bringing the wife and kids, and my wife only winter camps indoors) :D

Maybe Mr. X can give my 10 year old daughter some boarding tips? :eek:

I will be doing some free-heeling, and would definitely be up for a hike up the Loaf via the AT (got to fit hiking into the weekend somewhere)

As for the CVR, I don't think there is much room for numerous cars. There generally are areas plowed out for logging equipment, but I haven't seen much room for group camping. I also haven't been up there yet this winter, so who knows... GO is probably the person with the most current info.

Nadine, hope you can make it! :)
Hey Happy Campers!

Sugarloaf has a lot designated for campers! It has RV hookups including electricity :)

I camped overnight there Reggae Weekend a couple of years ago. I belive RV's pay 10 bucks to park and hookup. Maybe tenters are free???? I never checked in or paid a fee when I slept there :eek: :eek:
CVR does not have any good places near the AT to park several cars.

B/C it is plowed (see my Trail Conditions report regarding it) I assume it is being used commercially, which means we can't block it. There are several other places to park cars along the way, but none of them are close enough to the AT to be worth it. When the snow is gone, there is a nice spot that fits 4-6 cars right next to the AT crossing, but it currently has very soft snow there (i.e. you'll get stuck).

So, CVR would only work for shuttling and climbing, but not for camping en masse and parking.

Cool that the Loaf has a camping lot!!!

Spencer - it's not the sticks I mind carrying ... it's the extra pair of boots!
Either weekend sounds good right now.

Anyone up for lift tix, riding up, bombing down and stopping once in awhile for food and beer?

Ah, the need for speed! :eek:
Nadine said:
Hey Happy Campers!

Sugarloaf has a lot designated for campers! It has RV hookups including electricity :)

I camped overnight there Reggae Weekend a couple of years ago. I belive RV's pay 10 bucks to park and hookup. Maybe tenters are free???? I never checked in or paid a fee when I slept there :eek: :eek:

Nadine - do you know where we can get more information on RV hookup facilities at Sugarloaf?

Seema - did you notice the group lift ticket pricing? $28 per day.

Since Geri has always wanted to ski Sugarloaf, I think you can pencil us in for the weekend.

Skimom and Mad Townie - let's rip up the mountain!
I called abou the RV parking lot and camping there and here is the answer I got.

They will let us camp there on a first come first serve basis (no reservations) for $10/tent . . . I would like to find something a little more "secure", meaning I don't want to be rushing around looking for lodging last minute. However, for those of you that don't mind winging it, this will be an option.

I am still looking into other cheap camping type options. So, stay tuned.

I am also looking intomotel/hotel/condo typw lodging and will post info on that by the end of next week.

Nadine, did you get that weekend off?

BobandGeri, where did you find that pricing? I have to go to the site and look again,

I'm not sure I can join for the camping due to work schedule conflicts but would be interested in joining a hike/ski on Sunday. I guess its about time to meet the people whose posts I've been reading for a couple years now...
Count me in for alpine.... I'll drive up Friday night after work and will opt for something indoors with a shower and a bed. I've skied Sugarloaf in the spring in the past; it's the place to be in April!

Thanks for doing the leg work on this Seema!
he's baaack...

wow!! I made a promise to work harder and not spend time on VFTT until I had things in shape... not sure I've accomplished the goal, but missed things and friends at this site! My last posts were just after Gathering 7.0, Catskills, after I left you all in the way early morning heading for the CT seashore... hardly to be heard from again!

I especially came on to see if I had missed a Winter Gathering 7.5 - and if I'm reading things right, I didn't spot anything back into January. Instead I see SKI STUFF!! Ah... that would be right in my alley! Why just follow a Junior Racer all over the state - let's let them glide ourselves! Maine - excellent (I'll bring my leather apron for furthest travel). I've got the dates logged in. I'm in a new job and came onboard with 4-weeks vacation upfront just for occasions like these.

Seema, condo/house/cabin would be more in-style. This has to be close to off-season for the area. Anyway, count me in at this point. See if you can work out Group pricing for tickets - that would be great. All you mountain enthusiasts can climb all you want... I'm ready to lift assist. Have skis and board and glad to group with any.

(For those who know me and my racer daughter... she is having a GREAT season - 2nd yr J-II. Just brought home back-to-back Gold this past weekend. Heading up to LP this weekend for Empire State Games Thurs - Sun. Staying at the house on Mirror Lake so there is room for any who might need to crash. Otherwise on Whiteface most of the weekend.)

Good to be back... "on board" :D

(Darren, changes noted. Looks nice.)
Well bubba, you didn't look FAR ENOUGH into January because you missed the Gathering 7.5 at Barnes Field that Sherpa organized and WONDERFULLY I might add . . .

However, all is not lost since you can join us for the Ski Gathering (7.75?)

I will be posting more details sometime NEXT week.

Seema, regarding group tix, I have a seasons pass as I am sure a few others might. Maybe take a quick email poll to find out how many tix are required.
Yeah, like Mad Townie said....

I used to have a winter hiking & climbing problem, now since the advent of $340 seasons passes I have a downhill skiing problem. :D