VFTT Spring Ski Gathering 1.0


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I might be able to come that weekend too--my skiing skills are a bit rusty since I haven't been in about 4 years (my husband doesn't ski), but I'm looking forward to getting back on the slopes! I just need to check the dates...
bubba/nadine: I'll happily keep both of you company firmly attached toe and heel ;). I'm not as good as I used to be, but have spent more than my fair share in the snowfields. I'll also stop for the mandatory hydration breaks from the taps...

Seema: I can be coaxed into inside accomodations- if they are cheap... These winter trips are leaving me happily broke!
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They burn out

Hopefully the skiposers will be tired of winter as usual by April. Once the snow goes in the flatlands they typically lose interest. Lets hope that that will be the case this year.

I figure that I will dress in my absolutely worst worn out, duct tape patched, stuff and Telly like helly. Hmmm maybe I will dress in my old Carharts :)
Hey Seema,

I keep waffling (mmm...waffles) about this gathering. Just went skiing for the first time in 10 years a few weekends ago and loved it!!!! I'll chat with Chip about it and see what his feelings are then I'll let you know. Kind of an expensive weekend what with renting equipment and lift tickets and accomodations, etc...but it sure sounds like fun!! I'd love to take part!
If the skiing is good, I'll be skiing all weekend. If it's just OK, I may go hike the Crockers if possible, knocking of #65 and #66 in prep for my finish on Abraham over July 4th weekend.

Spring skiing, good friends, not-so-good friends, friends of people you haven't met but have seen pictures of, random strangers attracted by shiny objects, and the occasional cute lab puppy, who could ask for anything more.

Seema - it sounds like people will be doing differant things during the day (downhill skiing, back country skiing, hiking, etc..) and staying in differant places. Are we going to try to all get together at some point?

Well, I think the snow conditions will dictate how many people downhill ski versus hike versus backcountry ski SO we can probably wait until the week before and make plans then for group drinking/eating and where. I want to have the lodging options decided by the end of next week. I have a couple of leads and will know for sure the options available for sure by Tuesday of next week.

Toe Cozy,

Girl, I would LOVE to see you. It will be an expensive weekend for sure but well worth it I think. IF we can get a group of 20 who need lift tickets then we can get the $28/day discount and I am going to rent skis near home because that is cheaper and drag them up to Maine.

Mr. Metsky, my man . . .

If the skiing is good, I will also ski both days BUT if not I would love to join you on the Crockers . . . LOTS of options, me thinks !!!

sli74 said:
...and I am going to rent skis near home because that is cheaper and drag them up to Maine...
Seema: don't assume that. It could be a lot cheaper to pick them up the night before near the mountain.
Tickets will be deep discounted by then. Season ticket holders can usually pick up tickets for ~$25 for friends and family by then, so I will hopefully become a friend real fast;)
Packages: a 2 day lift ticket package with 2 night lodging is $103 including all taxes starting on April 1st. IF you get 20 people. (but I suspect that won't be a problem...). You will not find a better deal. Count me in if you go this way (believe me, it is easier for planning if you let them do it all)
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Put me down as a definite maybe! Always wanted to ski Sugarloaf, but I've also been mulling a Tucks trip this year. Hmmm...
Seema - at the very least rent skis close to the mountain. If you rent them down here and anything doesn't work right - the bindings are off, you have a hard time with the length or the sidecut, etc., you're stuck. At least if you rent on-mountain or nearby you can easily do an exchange.
Sugarloafing sounds good to me...

Sugarloaf sounds good to me...I may be interested in coming up that weekend, especially seeing as how I have one of those season passes. I would prefer to lodge indoors if possible. What can I say? I'm a wimp :D
Thunder Dan,

Send me an email and I will give you the details on what you need to do to sign up and the group deal I've set up . . .

For all the others interested. The initial booking has been made for the 26 who sent me emails and PMs but I can add groups as I get enough people and depending on Sugarloaf's availability. If you are interested, send me an email and I can add you to the "wait list" Thanks !!
