Water Filtration Device Recommendations?


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Katadyn Hiker Pro vs MSR Sweetwater Guardian?

Having recently discovered that the dog will not drink water treated with water purification tablets - go figure since he'll drink out of the most brackish beaver swamps - I'm considering finally making the leap to a filtration systems.

I recently used TramperAl's, which may have been a Katadyn Hiker. In reviewing Campmor's offerings, I've narrowed it down to the Katadyn Hiker (item 81917-d) and the MSR Sweetwater Guardian Microfilter (item 62900-d). They're roughly the same weight and price.

TramperAl's had a feature that the output hose of a hydration bladder hooked up directly to the filter - very convenient since the bladder can stay in the pack while it is filled. Can either of these do that?
Is it worth the extra $10 for the Katadyn Hiker Pro model with the "field cleanable filter protector"?
Sweetwater has a similar prefilter - is that worthwhile?
Any pros or cons for either?
Anyone have a dog refuse to drink filtered water?
Other suggestions?
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I've got the katadyn

Call me lazy, but I've replaced the filter cartridge only once in three years. (That was after a long trek in Denali Park, where there was SERIOUS suspended sediment - much of it fine ash- in the stream water.) So I don't see much need for a prefilter.

The filter hose may very well be the same kind of tubing as your bladder, but I don't know. Why not bring it to the store and look?

The hoses attach to the filter body by sliding over a kind of nipple. This is a bit of a pain in cold weather, so I used to just leave the upstream hose attached all the time. The result (after a couple of years) was a kink in the hose which choked off flow when subjected to pump suction. So I cut off the end of the hose (eliminating the kink) and now I detach the hose before putting the pump in its sack.
My pur hiker (same as the katadyn) doesn't have the cleanable prefilter but some coffee filters do the same thing. 10 bucks will buy a lot of coffee filters. Bandanas work well too. As for the hydration hose hook up, my Pur does not have the feature katadyn says will hook to your hose, but my hose slips right over the outlet nipple anyway. I think it is just an advertisment meant to sell the product. My dog drinks the water no problem, but then again he will drink anywater.
Dugan said:
Having recently discovered that the dog will not drink water treated with water purification tablets - go figure since he'll drink out of the most brackish beaver swamps

Even if you use (vitamin C) ascorbic acid tablets afterwards?

I used a Katadyn Hiker until I switched to Aqua Mira drops. I know nothing about the new filter protector except that I never had any problems without it. It always worked fine and was quite easy to pump. I changed the filter once each year.

Have you tried Aqua Mira? It really is tasteless and the dog may find it to be no different than ordinary tap water.
John S said:
Have you tried Aqua Mira? It really is tasteless and the dog may find it to be no different than ordinary tap water.
Tasteless to a human--might be different for a dog.

Sometimes has a chalky taste.

Sounds worth a try.

Yes, I did do a search. I found the thread referenced, and did go through it. It was a little too general, I'm more interested in how people feel about these two systems in particular.

I have not tried either ascorbic acid or Aqua Mira. I may do so prior to investing in a filter. Thanks for bringing these to my attention. I don't know whether my dog turns his nose up at treated water due to the taste or smell, or something more elusive.
Dugan said:
TramperAl's had a feature that the output hose of a hydration bladder hooked up directly to the filter - very convenient since the bladder can stay in the pack while it is filled. Can either of these do that?
I must again credit Spencer with recently sharing with me the idea that a hydration tube can be connected directly to filter for replenishment without repacking. I have since seen a wide range of hose - filter compatibilities, so do try it out with whatever gear you are currently using.