Where would you go if you had 10 weeks??


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Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA
Hey All;
I'm graduating next May (second degree, I'm an old bird) and I am planning on taking from May 15 to Aug 15 off to do some long distance trailage before I must re-enter the working world and begin repaying my loans (and perhaps, die of old age or never again have the opportunity for such reckless abandonment, at least not for the next 25 years).
I'm toying with two ideas:
1. The Colorado Trail: perhaps backwards from Durango to Denver to take advantage of a slightly early May 25 start. I did the Colorado Trail through the La Garita Wilderness 2 summers ago, plus lots of other trails in La Garita, and LOVED it.
2. Hanging a left on the AT from my backyard and walking to Maine. I've already done most of the trail in Maine, Vermont, CT and NY, but I'd gladly repeat it all many times over.

Has anyone out there done the Colorado Trail?? I've got time to plan my adventure. Or, if you had ten weeks, where would you go?? I'm open to new ideas!

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I'd load all my stuff in a car and head west. First, though, I'd spend the next 6 months trying to find out all the best hikes in CA, OR, WA, UT, CA, CO, MT, WY and get to as many of them as I could. Some would be short backpacks, most dayhikes.
Thats what I'd do anyway.
Colorado and WY But not the Colorado trail Iwould go ot all the cool places I could in CO then Hit the Wind Rivers and Climb Gannet Peak . INCO the San Juans Chicago basin Mt Sneffles ect the Elks and RMNP along with the must Do Mt Elbert. and the area near it.
If you ar going ot be in CO you must hike near or if you can climb the Maroon Bells , Pryamid Peak and Snowmass. Ok my Co stomping ground and I am biased. towards the Elk Range .
I'm with Peakbagger... head west. I'd agree with the short backpacks and day hikes. I'd also consider throwing a mountain bike and a short kayak on the car. Also don't forget to cross the border and check out British Columbia and Alberta.... there's some beautiful country up there. See a lot and live LARGE!!!!! Just one mans humble opinion......
oh boy.. where to start?
picketts, cascades, elk range, wind river range, gore range, tetons, glacier nat. park, olympic nat. park, high sierra, pretty much everything in the west.
Patagonia. Karakoram (if I had 20 weeks). Nepal (if the damn rebels weren't killing people). Mt. Cook (NZ).

In North America, Pacific Crest Trail, Rainier and Adams, Mt. Robson, something long in BC.

Definitely do something you couldn't do in parts using smaller blocks of time. The AT is great, but you can do it sections, a week at a time, any time in your life. Once you're sucked back into working in the real world, no more 10 week blocks. So do something you can only do with a big block of time.

I've got to retire soon. So many mountains, so little time.
TCD said:
. Once you're sucked back into working in the real world, no more 10 week blocks. So do something you can only do with a big block of time.


Yup, my sentiments exactly, that's why I am planning this as a thru hike or major chunk of a long distance trail. I've done ALOT out west, as 7 and 10 day backpacking trips.
Also should state, I'm a long distance endurance type freak and not a peak bagger. If the trail goes over a peak, OK!

The road x many destinations sounds like a fun trip, but that would be very pricey. At about a buck a mile, backpacking fits not only my style but my pocket book!

Lots of great ideas!

Also I had considered a chunk of the PCT, but I was planning on saving that as a thruhike.

Having come back from Alaska and Wrangell St Elias, if I could spend 10 weeks in WSE, it would not be enough. :)

However, since you mention graduating, repaying loans, it's probably not financially feasible. :) So I would suggest something perhaps a bit cheaper like the PCT, or perhaps the Wonderland Trail around rainier combined with some treks up and down the Cascades, followed by Glacier, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Grand Staircase NM, etc. etc. :)

But heck, you must go to Alaska sometime in your life...

The Torngats in Labrador. I'm sure Papa Bear will agree with me! :)
I have always wanted to do extended hiking in Europe - Scotland, Wales, the Alps, etc. I guess these are doable on a more toutine 1-2 week vacation so I would consider something more remote like New Zealand or Alaska.
thoroughly explore Maine, then venture off to Canada - Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Labrador...
One word: Europe. The train system is extensive so you could get just about anywhere with little effort. Among a few highlights: Andorra (the mountains are drop-dead gorgeous), the Alps and the high peaks of Scotland.

Either way, I'm sure you're off on an adventure!
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Here are the peaks I would bag in 10 weeks starting in the north and drive south.


Mount Robson
Mount Temple
Mount Assinoboine


Pickett Range trek (Terror Basin Area)
Dragontail Peak


North Sister
Mount Theilsen


Castle Dome
Mount Ritter (Ritter/Banner Saddle)
Bloody Mountain (Bloody Culoir)
Temple Crag
I would wander through Europe with a Eurail Pass.
Things I wanna do.
Enjoy a glass of wine in a Provence vineyard
Hang out in a penzione in Tuscany and enjoy some really good food in a local restaurant.
Inn to inn backpacking in Galway and the Dingle Peninsula
Do the kayak/backpack trip I didn't get to do in Sogne og Fiordane in Norway.
Spend a few days with the Saarmi people in Lapland
Have I run out of time yet? :D
no doubt about it, I would go to Alaska. I would then rent a car and drive down the coast (just so I could visit with all those nice cannuck's) to Oregon and do the Cascades.
It depends. If the time came in the fall during hunting seasons I would probably head north for a Caribou hunt or to Alaska for Moose. Maybe even Elk out west.

Summer time? Well, I would find myself a good deal on a cabin up north for those 10 weeks and spend my time hiking the WMNF till my head pops. I just got introduced to it and Ive got quite a bit of catching up to do ;) .

But if we were to pertain this to hiking and a location I am not normally able to access (due to distance and such)? Katahdin for sure, and maybe Acadia NP. The Catskills and ADKs also hold an interest in me. Might even like to try some of the Long Trail. The AT would be interesting, but that falls waaaaaay outside the time frame provided and my current endurance level.
