WMNF Fee Trailheads


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Thunder Dan

New member
Sep 27, 2003
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Portland, ME
Is there a website or do any of you have a list/chart/map that lists all the WMNF trailheads where fees are required? :confused:
Not as far as I know, but this link has a list of places where a pass is not required.
There may be a few additions to this list shortly. The pass program is being revised slightly.

Feel free to post about a particular trailhead if you're still unsure.
There is no complete list that I know of. The link above appears to be WMNF trailheads that don't charge a fee. All state park trailheads are free (for now, this will likely change over the summer) as well as those on state land such as Appalachia and Pinkham Notch (but not the PN overflow lots).

Feel free to ask about specific lots, people here are likely to know the answer.

What's more important maybe is trailheads that are fee areas w/o the "iron ranger" that you can insert $3 for a day pass. I remember hiking Waumbek/Starr King a few years ago and there was a fee area sign at the trailhead but no place there to get a day pass (& not even a notice telling you where the nearest place to buy one is). would have been awful frustrating if I hadn't had my yearly pass.
Seen at the Lincoln information center about, oh, a month ago (I'm surprised nobody mentioned this) ... an automated machine to buy a day pass. It looked like it could be used to take your money right there and print out a day or 3-day pass to put on your windshield, thus removing the need for a ranger to collect from the trailhead and try to collate passes to payments. It was "coming soon" if I remember the notice on it.

Obviously only for a sheltered location with electricity, presumably for the info centers and ranger stations?
Can you buy a one-day pass (presumably with an "iron ranger") at the Lincoln Woods lot before the visitor center is open at 8:30?

Are you talking about a 'day pass' for parking, or is there really a fee to hike now?? Somewhat confusing.
rup said:
Are you talking about a 'day pass' for parking, or is there really a fee to hike now?? Somewhat confusing.
Yes, this is a parking pass, not a hiking pass. There are many trailheads in the Whites that don't require a pass.

David Metsky said:
... All state park trailheads are free (for now, this will likely change over the summer) ...


Have you heard news that state park trailheads will soon have a fee? Please share whatever news you may know about. Thanks.
There was a proposal earlier in the year about charging a parking fee at popular State Park lots (Franconia and Crawford most likely) for the 20 most crowded weekends of the year. I haven't seen anything since then (they raised camping fees and some admissions fees) but I suspect it's not gone for good.

Back in April I was hiking on Pack Mondanock. I always park at North Pack because it is free. On the way over to South Pack, which is inside Miller State Park, I saw a sign that stated I was entering the park, and that I should "Prepare to Pay". The sign was probably about a quarter mile from the summit and definitely placed to be viewed by hikers.

My thoughts at that moment aren't appropriate for this forum, but it shows that New Hampshire is getting serious about revenue.
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