Wooden Ski Classic


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Nov 8, 2003
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If it ain't snowin' there, we ain't goin' there.
That's right, people used to use wooden skis, leather boots, three-pin bindings, and nary any Spandex. And they actually enjoyed themselves. Did I mention that it was ALL fun, even the annual pine tarring? Fortunately, there are archival photos and footage from . . . yesterday in Anchorage, at the Wooden Ski Classic:



Now, where did I put those knickers and long stockings?
Now, where did I put those knickers and long stockings?
Don't have any knickers and long stockings (never did), but my wooden skis (pine tarred (grundvalla-ed?) before storing), 3-pin bindings, leather boots, and bamboo poles are ready to go...

Wax generally seemed to adhere to wood bases better than to plastic bases and gave more grip.

In about 1970 my father took me, my sister and mother for a cross country ski seminar/lesson, probably AMC, out of the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center. We all had our own wood skis, 3 Pin boots and bindings and bamboo poles. The old, bearded, European instructor gave us some class time (he seemed angry and made an example of me to the group as what NOT to wear...cotton jeans and a ski jacket) and then we hit the groomed trail across the street that headed east and then north. We all did fine in the woods but this trail (it may still be there) terminated about a third of the way up Wildcat. Well, that was an experience. All of us took substantial spills heading to the base. I did a bit of a front flip and snapped one of my skis in half. My mother performed a sliding butt drop and ended up cracking her coccyx. We all made it back to the Visitors Center but barely. This was my first time in the woods in the Whites. I didn't return for about 30 years.
The old, bearded, European instructor gave us some class time (he seemed angry and made an example of me to the group as what NOT to wear...cotton jeans and a ski jacket)...[EDIT]...

Dat iss vie you dunt make fun off Herr Shki Inshtrukor's axxent in front off de classe... :eek:

!Dumkopf! ;)
That's right, people used to use wooden skis, leather boots, three-pin bindings, and nary any Spandex.
Sure, but I consider 3-pin bindings new technology, when I started X-C people still used cable bindings :)

I'm surprised DP doesn't remember
Sure, but I consider 3-pin bindings new technology, when I started X-C people still used cable bindings :)

now that you mention it, our first sets were cables, not 3 pin. probably out dated at that point, but certainly functional. probably still have a couple sets at my parent's house.
Great. I think I'll get some and put it on my bedside table so that I'll dream of my younger days....Next you're gonna tell that it has been found to cause cancer in rats, right?
I have no idea... Or maybe only if you inhale the fumes while applying. Can't be any worse than that fluro stuff that modern racers use.

Instead of just putting a can on your table, you can get out your torch and burn some into a 2x4 (or random piece of wood) to bring back that nostalgic scent. The 2x4 may not ski well, but it will smell nice... :)

I started with a toe strap binding. No, I'm not making that up. My Finnish grandfather made our skis and we used a toe strap binding. Of course, this was in northern Minnesota, where the water stands around because it has nowhere to run downhill . . .
I still have a pair of Bonna 1800s that I pull out of mothballs from time to time. I'm very partial to them. For those with old gear who want to use it with like-minded individuals (sort of like a cruise night with classic cars) you might want to watch for "Wooden Ski Day" at Stumpsprouts ski area in Hawley, MA. They had one last year in honor of their 30th anniversary. I don't know if they plan another but you can check their website periodically.

Check out Warren Miller Films new flick for this Season and wood skis and cable bindings will look like a Lambo compared to the stuff they ski on in NW China!