spencer said:
John's last sentence reminds me of an obvious point I wanted to make:
** SNIP **
I really struggle with the notion that the 3ks and other obscure lists get so much publicity lately on VFTT (and probably elsewhere, although I don't spend much time "elsewhere"). I like to discuss the fun aspects of the peaks with others and I certainly have emailed some of you "old-timers" for tidbits of info and I definitely enjoy reading the canisters. However, I find I get extremely curmudgeon about the whole letting the cat out of the bag. Of course I'm being selfish, but I can't help worry that when everyone starts hiking the peaks, they get easy. I hike the 3ks b/c I enjoy the challenge of planning routes, the actual routefinding, reading about those who came before me, seeing views that very few others get to see, and of course seeing the forest itself (it's what I do)...
I think back to when I started reading VFTT (~ '98?) and how much information there was. Sure, you could find trail conditions reports for most peaks in the Whites. Sure, there were people you could ask about most places. But now, I see so many websites that give detailed directions, extreme minutiae, and gps plots of every damn peak that person has climbed. While I appreciate the desire to share information with others (I do it lots and it's a natural progression we as a society desire) I somehow struggle with it all.
WOW, That is eerie. I almost feel as if I wrote that myself. Which probably seems weird because I also could be one of the people Spencer it talking about. I'm gonna do something I don't usually do...... (talk about my site here....feel free to delete it Darren/peakbgr if it inapropriete) I am a sharer I have a website with forums (on a much smaller scale than this). One section of my forums is dedicated to the ADK 100......... It's in a members only section, so it's not available for the whole would, but still......... easy enough
I struggle mightily (daily sometimes) on whether or its the right thing to do.... I've been told by at least one of the posters on this thread (the legends) that it probably contains more info about these peaks than any other site......... That scares me and ALWAYS make me proceed with caution. I keep it up and running primary for reasons I'll try to explain (I hope I can) .......... First you must understand my frame of reference, my post
#54 is about as close as I can articulate.
I know that these peaks are getting more traffic. For whatever reason, I get lots of stuff (e-mail, PM's) from people sharing stuff with me and some of it can be quite frightning.
Example - Earlier this summer, I got an
unsolicited e-mail from someone with a GPS track log to a peak in the Fishing Brook Range (Private Property). I wrote back and basically said "cool, how did you get permission from the Minerva Hunt Club to get through". I got, in essence, a "I didn't, I just went early in the AM and didn't see a soul all day"

There was not a hint that anything they did was wrong
I was MORTIFIED........ Perhaps blitzing peaks was fine back in the day, but with increased traffic and more "boots on the ground" so to speak, I believe PP rights are being ignored and disregarded and IMO that needs to be addressed. This is just ONE of several concerns I see.
So with all this, I (encouraged by a few others) keep my section open for the simple fact that, if people (who are interested in the peaks already) are gonna get info, then they need to GET ALL THE INFO, like private property, information on LNT, thoughtful debates about other issues like canister, flagging whatever. I would rather have more knowledgeable, thoughtful folks that bring more than just a GPS into the woods. If my site (or this one, or any) gives people more info about cautionary issues like PP, LNT, the perils of Route cutting, view creation..... whatever, then perhaps there can be a small (I fully understand my place

) shift in the ratio of "so-whaters" (as Eric called them) and responsible, knowledgeable hikers that will have a greater global understanding that "collectively" we must treat these areas differently.
I could by 100% wrong and I expect you'll tell me if you think I am..... (and thats okay too). Please understand though, it not driven by any "look what I can do" crap. Because quite honestly, with a GPS, it really is NOTHING these days to get to the summit of N. River other than a fun day walking in the woods. Getting there LEGALLY (w/permission) in a manner that respects not only the environment, but also maintains the ethereal integrity of the summit area is a much greater challenge. And, if I might add, gave me much more satisfaction than just reaching the summit ever did.
As for some of the other things Spencer said....... I can't agree enough and a glance at my rules #7 and #8 should prove it.
7) There will be no public posting of specific GPS data for any Adirondack backcountry location. This specifically includes tracklog data. Individual waypoint data is fine so long as multiple waypoint data is is a least .75 miles separate from each other. General verbal route description are fine, but please refrain from specific route data unless it is in the done in a non-puplic way (PM or E-mail). This rule is enacted in an specific attempt to prevent "herd path" formation along specific Adirondack bushwhack routes.
8) Adkhighpeaks.com is a strong supporter of Leave No Trace (LNT) principles and we do not condone or advocate ANY alteration to the Adirondack backcountry as it pertains to information found here. It is understood that if any information from this forum leads you into the backcountry of the park, you will travel, camp and otherwise practice responsible LNT principles when doing so. Any evidence route cutting, view improvement or other significant permanent unnatural alterations/destruction discovered to have been done as the result of information gathered here will result in a automatic lifetime ban from the site and referral (including e-mail) to the NYS DEC.

if this seems like grandstanding, but I think that it's important for people to understand that providing information/education in and of itself is NOT always a bad thing, so long as do so respectfully and with the understanding of the responsibilities that go with it.
Sorry if this is too long and please understand, I fully know that I do not have ANY answers these questions. I'm fully aware that I am just a schmuck that likes to hike and probably overthinks these issues WAY to much. Perhaps if I had a life

it would help.