Oh no, I feel myself getting sucked back in
spencer said:
I just wanted to voice my concerns as I've been thinking about this stuff for a long while now. I meant not to be preachy, although I acknowledge that my viewpoint can't help but be somewhat selfish and johnny-come-lately. I think it's perfectly okay to look at ourselves with deep criticism and then think about if and how things could be different.
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You are very right and I think you voice perfectly what many of us feel inside. I re-read through this thread in it's entirety and I saw many examples of people saying, in essence, "I'm very careful in submitting public trip reports", which when you wipe that all away, simply means "HEY, I got some real concerns here." and "perhaps by being careful I've done my part, and can feel better baggin the next one" Is that enough to ease our personal concerns? Not if I read the rest of this thread correctly, it isn't.
I think that my earlier post screamed (and came) from a passionate place inside of me that really is afraid that my own actions (climbing), which I refuse to stop doing, is contributing to some of the very conditions I fear occurring on these same peaks. Talk about confliction. In my case, I thump my chest and say, "but I make it right, because have a website that "say's" your a bad boy/girl if you knock a few trees downs at the summit...". Is that enough? I don't know, I really don't
I sense alot of standing around and looking about for answers elsewhere, You know, the real answers to issues we ALL KNOW are there (or are around the corner). In my case, you all just witnessed me literally attempt to absolve myself of responsibility with a feeble - "Hey, If only climbed a mere 70, I can't possibly have the answers to these weighty issues, I better defer to the LEGENDS on this one, they'll have the answers for sure.". I mean no disrespect there, and they surely have an insight probably greater than many of us, but I just realized, they likely don't have the answers either.
In the end, the answers will collectively come from within US, ALL of us.......... and if there is one thing we can all take from this. Unless your like my mother, who hasn't set foot in the woods a day in her life, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM, and you can only HOPE and PRAY that you can be part of the solution. These are MY thoughts on this matter, and mine alone, but I thank those of you that helped me see them clearer.
In the last 5 years on here, I'm not sure I've seen a more important topic or issues that blended both LEGEND and neophyte hikers together so nicely and by discussing it so candidly together, perhaps we've begon the process.
If we keep digging, we might even find an answer or two
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//////// ----This could all be a hippie flashback rant too

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