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  • Eric is the admin of the SSW48 and Grid web sites. I think he'll be a member here in the future. He does a lot of hiking with Drew and Cath Goodwin. Thank you for the congrats - it's great to have that out of the way!
    Holy crap! That must have been really freaky! Who's Eric, btw, is he here on VfTT?? That was a pretty amazing photo that you posted.

    BTW congrats on the Bonds Traverse today!!!
    Maybe...next day I'll have free for hiking is saturday Feb 28! Who knows what the conditions will be by then -- we haven't gotten as much snow this year as last in the mountains, have we??? Seemed like it was practically June before the rotten snow was all gone last year.
    Hey Jeremy! Was good to meet you Saturday. Hope your trip to Owl's Head was fun.
    HI, thanks for the rep points --and thank for all the info regarding Passaconaway, I really appreciate that. We may do that one in a couple of weeks, there are supposed to be several meet-up groups heading that way on the 22nd, so I know we'd have a good amount of company on the trail. If there's not a lot of snow between now and then, the trail should be really packed down.
    thanks for the greenie, Rocket.

    btw...I picked up a copy of Lost Ski Area of the White's...you've got some cool pics in there! Doing Carrigain on Sunday the 8th if you're interested.....
    Hi Rocket21,

    I was also on the Carter-Moriah trail Sunday. I was the guy with the black lab and the snowboard. I saw a group of overnight backpackers, a solo hiker, and a group of 4. Were you the solo?

    I had a nice run on the board starting from the top of the ledges. I regretted carrying my board beyond them. Thanks for clearing some of those blowdowns!
    Hi there -- thanks for the greenies!

    By the way, a quick clarification -- Alex and I are NOT working on winter 4Ks. I personally am working on the winter 4K,s but Alex is doing the 4-season 4Ks. She is hiking in the winter right now...because it is winter....but that's just because she didn't want to stop and wait for late spring to roll around before hiking again. :eek:)
    You are welcome, Jeremy. Soon, however, Atticus and I will no longer be your neighbor. Tamworth has been a nice stopover, but these mean streets and back alleys were only meant to be a place for us to visit for a few months. Big and exciting changes coming to our lives in the coming months and North Conway will be a perfect place to welcome them in.
    i thought that looked like your truck weh I came out...did you go over to greenes..oh well next time..I appreciated your time on othh thing
    GREAT pictures!! Ahhh..the real reward of being first in line breaking trail -- all that unbroken trail goodness in front of you!
    Better get to it, then!

    Sounds like Mad River may be thinking Monroe to Jeffie next weekend. Any interest?? Will take a banner day like saturday to get me up there, especially in the northerns. Also like the idea of retracing LRiz's hike from yesterday.
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